Look I'm not trying to get in a fight or anything, but I really don't think you guys are painting an accurate picture of me when you talk about me like I help new users etc. That was never my intent. If I see memes I like, I upvote them and if I want to give it something extra, I'll put a comment or upvote gif on it. Or if people don't know something about the site and I know it and it's easy to explain, I'll mention it, just like practically any user would. But I'm not going out of my way to help individual users. In fact sometimes I am a complete jerk to people. I'm really just here for the memes. I'm not here for making connections to other users, or to be seen as helpful or anything else.
Sorry if this comment is irrelevant to the larger topic you guys are talking about, but since you mentioned me I felt like I should say something.