There's a big difference between tapping a tool while inside a modern space suit (probably designed to limit contact noise) and banging a hammer at full force in a suit from '69.
I watched a few parts of that video. It's good of you not to trust whatever you see on tv, like the moon landing, but don't forget to be critical of the critics.
The other sound I watched was the wire smacking the side of the space ship. The critics logic was right, the astronauts on the moons surface should have be unable to hear it hit the side of the ship. However, he failed to mention the astronaut inside of the ship and the microphones inside of it. Unlike modern mics, there wasn't sophisticated noise canceling incorporated into the mics and any sound louder than a certain decibel level would be picked up and transmitted.
Space missions have evolved a lot since the moon landing. Modern technology is used to silence what little noise that there is in space so communication can be clearer.