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TRUMP DID MORE IN ONE YEAR; THAN I DID IN EIGHT; HE IS OBVIOUSLY RACIST | image tagged in hangers on | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,867 views 70 upvotes Made by MaggiNifficent 7 years ago in fun
7 ups, 7y
Matrix Morpheus Meme | WHAT IF I TOLD YOU LEFTITS USE "RACIST" SO THEY DON'T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT A COUNTERARGUMENT TO YOUR CLAIMS | image tagged in memes,matrix morpheus | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
7 ups, 7y
laugh spit | , | image tagged in laugh spit | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
4 ups, 7y
Futurama Fry Meme | NOT SURE IF RACIST OR WHITE PRIVILEGE | image tagged in memes,futurama fry | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
3 ups, 7y,
1 reply
1 up, 7y,
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You watch/read too much liberal media. I can tell because comparing Hitler to Trump comes so easily to you.

Please name one thing that Trump has done that makes him like Hitler.
2 ups, 7y,
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0 ups, 7y,
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Lol! Trump is republican, therefore he's just like Hitler!

You're terrible and brainwashed, but at least that was funny.
1 up, 7y,
1 reply
I'm Canadian BTW, and this was a troll. Since you know precisely f**k-all about me, you can stop making embarrassing assumptions about me now.
1 up, 7y,
1 reply
I just realized the initial comment was the same joke. Whoops. Too good of a troll. You got me.
0 ups, 7y
In all seriousness though, Trump isn't the president America needs, but maybe he's the president America deserves. At any rate, he's a neverending source of dank memes and hilarious jokes that come entirely at the expense of America's credibility. Take that for what you will, but trust me, the rest of the world is laughing at America, not with them.
2 ups, 7y,
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0 ups, 7y,
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So what?
1 up, 7y
It was a guess as to what the meme was referring to.
1 up, 7y,
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A lot of business gets done on the golf course. Golf trips are business trips. People that don't know that make me lol. Id bet a lot that Trump has made more money doing business on golf courses than you, your parents, an your grandparents have made in their whole lives combined. Git gud libtard.
3 ups, 7y,
1 reply
You sure about that? I'll give you one thing: Trump has played more golf in one year than Obama did in 8. Even though Trump said he wouldn't have time to golf. Keep defending him. It's bound to pay off, right?
1 up, 7y,
2 replies
I'm sure. 8 times the golf means 8 times the business.

I don't have to buy crappy obomacare or pay the fines and taxes have been lowered, so yeh, I'm happy to speak up against brainwashed dummies that have no idea what they're talking about.
3 ups, 7y,
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haha...I was referring to you being sure he made more money than my family. I am fairly certain I know what I am talking about. Funny how brainwashing works, the brainwashed are always the last to know they are.
1 up, 7y,
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I didn't realize I was talking to a billionaire.

You think the president just plays golf on golf courses so no, you don't know what you're talking about.
3 ups, 7y,
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Depends on who is playing with the president that will dictate the "business" being done. Pay attention.
1 up, 7y,
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Who do you think he's playing golf with? Tiger woods? What are you even trying to imply?

You've been brainwashed to believe Trump is a horrible president. You believe most every slander made about him but when I throw the truth at you all you can do is try and twist it into something that fits into your false beliefs. You, pay attention.
3 ups, 7y,
6 replies
You jump to a lot of conclusions.
1 up, 7y,
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I like how you said I was deflecting.

Who do you think he's even playing with? What are you trying to imply?
1 up, 7y
Who IS he playing with? And for what purpose?

Your constant mind numbing deflection with your:
1. You're brainwashed
2. You watch CNN
3. You need to read
was bogus and lame the FIRST time you used it. It ain't improving with your every comment.
1 up, 7y
Mostly athletes.

He's really getting business done.
0 ups, 7y,
1 reply
"This table only displays golf partners who have been reported in mainstream media articles" it's not like the mainstream media is biased against Trump or anything... oh wait, yes they are.

Who do you think plays on golf courses? He's the president, of course he's going to play with the pros. A decent number of those "reported" dates had overlapping athlete and politician play dates. It's only fair to assume that a lot more of those dates had politicians and business folks that the media chose to ignore.

When Trump takes the people he's negotiating with to the courses he's not playing one on one with them. He gets a group of "cool" people to fancy up the day and make things go smoother.

Don't play stupid just because it helps your arguments. Surely you already know what I've said and if you don't, well... no wonder you've got a problem with Trump. Democrat politicians prey on stupid people. Don't be stupid.
2 ups, 7y
If you don't trust mainstream media to tell you who.... where do you get your info on who he's golfing with? If nowhere...Why do you assume with whom or why he's golfing?
0 ups, 7y,
2 replies
Incase you haven't noticed, I'm done here. You're a broken record that keeps repeating index funds like they are the only thing that matters. You have no concept of what it's like to gamble with millions of dollars and you keep repeating how easy it is to be rich. Go do it. I'm done. Go turn 1000 dollars into 1,000,000 over 20 years like Bill Gates since it's so easy.

I don't cite because I don't want to. I failed many a report in grade school because of it and I'm not going to cite just for imgflip people.
2 ups, 7y
That is precious.

"I don't cite because I don't want to. I failed many a report in grade school because of it and I'm not going to cite just for imgflip people."

So you're like your boy, Trump? You were born with knowledge, no need to read.

Luv it.
2 ups, 7y
haha....OK then. Just curious: Do you believe the pre-president Trump when he said "Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment," Trump said. "The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."

or the NOW president Trump that now says "Unemployment is at a 17-year low. " at 4.1%?

Can't be both.
1 up, 7y,
1 reply
Are they wrong mr billions?
2 ups, 7y
Yes and are deflections to the point at hand. Keep yourself informed. If you drink from one tainted well the water can kill you.if you drink from many wells the clean water will cleanse the poison.
0 ups, 7y,
2 replies
I ask myself specific questions, search for the answers using google, and use those answers to form my thoughts about a topic.

For example, someone just claimed that Trump used his inheritance to make himself wealthy. They wanted me to believe Trump is a liar and that he didn't work for his wealth. So, I searched what year his dad died, 1999. Then I searched to find Trumps net worth for the years leading up to that time. I found an unflattering article about him that did have some useful information. He was estimated to be worth 1 billion dollars in 1989, a full decade before he could have received his inheritance.

I obtained information without any use of opinion, emotions, or propaganda and used it to reaffirm my initial opinion of the president. That's how it's supposed to be done.

Mainstream media is garbage information filled with emotional arguments, propaganda, and opinions rather than facts. Anyone who reads an article from any of them for information is just allowing themselves to be brainwashed. Media is thought control.
2 ups, 7y
Also- you don't list any actual sources of info you look at. Just that you use google (probably the biggest source for good and bad info on the planet)

And for the record Trump did use his family's money (maybe not inheritance) to start and fund his business(es) this is a fact he admits (you know- the "small loan" he got from his father for instance)

He also would have been worth more if he had simply invested in index funds or stocks. These articles cite actual verifiable data when they do their research and presentation:

He's genuinely not that great at business. Generally it's easier to grow money than make it from nothing. In Trump's case he came from wealth and made mediocre (relative to his worth) business moves. Sure he made money....just not as much as he EASILY could have.
1 up, 7y
" I found an unflattering article "

So you more than likely used (main stream) media for your info. Verifiable information is the core of "main stream" media. Like newspapers. If your sources cite the same references or sources of their info ....they are main stream media. If they don't list verifiable sources of their should not believe them to be true.

Media is everywhere. Deciphering/verifying it is the recipients duty. Over time, some outlets are proven true over and over and gain trust. However, a smart person will ask for verifiable evidence supporting claims.
0 ups, 7y,
1 reply
I thought you were just playing stupid to help your arguments because you're too stubborn to admit you're wrong. Turns out you are stupid.

"if you don't trust the mainstream media to tell you... where do you get your info?". Easily one of the most pathetic, sad, brainwashed, foolish things I've ever read. Wake the f**k up and use your brain for what it was made for.

Im gana make a meme of that quote, but don't worry. I'm not going to tag you. I can't decide on face palm Picard quoting you or whut girl saying the quote.
2 ups, 7y
Just answer the question.
2 ups, 7y,
1 reply
No, he plays minature golf in the kiddie pool in the Oval Office.

Tell me, has your level of brain damage ever been measured?
0 ups, 7y,
1 reply
I'm just going to let you know now that 90% of what you say has zero relevance or is so ridiculously wrong that I'm not going to bother responding to you.
2 ups, 7y,
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Presidents aren't allowed to make business deals, you depleted dipshit, on the golf course or off (although we know this corrupt treasonous shitter sells us out to his puppet master Putin on a daily basis).
And this mentally disabled fuctard sure ain't talking diplomacy either.

Of course, being the stupid dimwit with an identical alt, I'm sure you can cite some examples of both, yes?
0 ups, 7y,
1 reply
I don't have an alt and you clearly don't understand how the world works. He can't use his presidency to promote his own businesses, but he use his business savvy and expertise to aid his presidency. Feel free to continue playing dumb on the golf course subject, people that don't know that's where things get done are pretty ignorant and beyond basic. Also, I'm not going to waste my time debating or educating people that insult me so eloquently.

I would like to know why you believe Trump is treasonous, though. Also, do you feel the same way about the previous administration? Why or why not?
1 up, 7y
Of course you don't. Your alt does.
I ASKED you to cite me some examples. Because, yeeeaaaaaah, I, like everyone else, do not know.

Gee, I dunno, something about him being investigated for it? Russian intereference, collusion? Or did your Alex Jone's flake news fail to fill you in?
0 ups, 7y
Didn't I already inform you about the truth into those investigations?

The closest thing to evidence the FBI got was the email between Trump Jr. and that Russian Attorney who wanted to give him "evidence that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with the Russians". Needless to say, the FBI stopped pursuing that lead. His former aid that the media likes to talk about was Fired by Trump before the FBI even started investigating him for the same reason they are investigating him. Trump didn't like that guy either, but the media chooses to ignore that.

Hillary and Obama, on the other hand, gave nuclear technology to Iran and sold a Uranium mine to Russia. Hillary even got a multi million dollar donation to the Clinton foundation from the company that bought the mine because they needed her approval. They couldn't give the money directly to her, that would be illegal. Both countries promised not to do anything bad with their gifts and everyone knows they can be trusted.

I'm not going to cite anything. If you want to know the truth do the research yourself. The other option is to believe whatever news articles show up on your iPhone. You'll be brainwashed but hey, ignorance is bliss.
1 up, 7y,
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1 up, 7y,
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Joke all you want, it's the truth. If you don't know that's how things work then you're the sponge bob dummy.
2 ups, 7y,
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1 up, 7y
I actually would because I know what "golf" really means. The difference is Obama would probably be golfing with Russians, Iranians, and dirty Medical Insurance providers. 8 times the Obama golf would have f**ked this country up. It's a good thing he was shity president and couldn't get more of what he wanted to done.
1 up, 7y,
1 reply
What did he really do? (That was helpful to the usa)
1 up, 7y
He gave nuclear technology to Iran, helped sell uranium to Russia, forced low income people to buy bad health insurance or pay fines if they didn't, he learned how to stop saying "uhh" every 5 seconds, he brought home a nobel peace prize without actually doing anything, and he was president when the military found and killed bin laden.
1 up, 7y
He is my President!!...oh how I love him..Trump my president
4 ups, 7y,
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7 ups, 7y,
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Love the image. : )
5 ups, 7y,
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Some people only look at what the lying media shows them and ignores everything else.
4 ups, 7y,
1 reply
You don't make fun of the handicapped or vets and fly free. Poor speeches at the wrong time.
1 up, 7y
0 ups, 7y
You're right. Those are lies.

4 ups, 7y,
1 reply
A Norwegian cartoonist did it I believe
2 ups, 7y
The Dutch flag should be his diaper.
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