I worked on a place that made plastic ketchup bottles among others. They would stack them on pallets about 5 foot high and plastic wrap them. Then stack the stacks 4 high in the warehouse to ship. It did take much for one empty bottle to buckle. It was like dominoes. Dumbest stuff I've ever scene.
People are so f**ked up in America that we can no longer give out homemade treats like candy apples or popcorn balls without the fear of being poisoned by some lunatic...when I was a kid...people would put needles in candy bars...sad world.
Back in the '70s some idiot was putting poison in bottles of Tylenol...that's one of the reasons why we have so many safeguards in place like tamper proof packaging nowadays.
Recently over here in Britain, they've decided to put a restriction on the availability of acids because of too many acid attacks, a similar situation in some ways I suppose.
second fun fact, there have not actually been many poison related deaths on Halloween if any at all, also counting sharp stuff in candy, I BELIEVE the most deaths are hit and runs, funny right? not really.