You need, my good sir, to get over yourself. Let me point out that, regardless of originality, the meme made the front page. Clearly some people enjoyed it, and didn't care about whether or not it was the first time this joke had ever been told using a Grumpy Cat template.
I'm very well aware of how complaintive some people on this site can be about reposts. Nor do I care, in this case. You're the only one getting bent out of shape about it, since you have taken upon yourself the duties of Meme-Originality-Police. I suggest you find something a trifle more important to exert yourself over. As I intend to do myself after wasting my own time by completing this post.
I didn't care how many upvotes this meme received when I posted it, I don't care now. I'm truthfully surprised it made it as high as it did; I originally submitted it mainly because another meme I'd submitted never featured ('twas rather politically charged, and I think the mods didn't like it), and I wanted to see if another submission would feature. Glanced at my older stuff, saw this one, picked it because why not? Submitted it, it featured, the other one never did, my curiosity was satisfied. Then this one reached the front page.
So be pissed off, if you will. Your irritation will have no lasting effect on me; if you're that offended by my meme, by all means feel free to downvote it. Again, I had no ulterior motive when I submitted the above meme, nor did I ever care who people thought the author was. It was, in fact, my presumption that very few people would notice this meme or feel the need to upvote it. I was proved wrong in that notion. I'm glad some were able to derive enjoyment therefrom; I am sorry you did not, and that the only thing you can focus on is the perceived originality of the meme and intent of the user.