Well, I suppose it was used to convey a sense of emotion that would have impacted the Iliad's original Greek listeners, since an illustration of a bunch of half-naked Danaans running around wouldn't do the trick today. The Iliad was considered one of the most important parts of Hellenic identity and history, much in the same way that the past struggles of WWII are an important part of our own.
Ya, that does make sense, but the title would have to be really prominent so it wasn't confused with a WWII book, but then, maybe they were ok with that cuz that means more people picking it up and considering it...
They also used condoms to cover the rifles muzzle. They had to be ready to start firing as soon as they hit the beach. You didn't want water, debris, sand, etc. in the barrel when you pulled the trigger.
Then think of the Normandy landing like a game of Russian Roulette; except instead of a revolver missing 5 bullets, its a belt gun missing one bullet *unsagelike smirking*