Oh yeah bro don't get me wrong what you've done here is a great idea, I've seen it done by many top users like Raydog, Socrates, and even myself though theirs did much better than mine but anyway...lol. I just wanted to make some sort of half drunk point about what the mods have to deal with, only because people can blame them for stuff and not think about how hard their job is. It's funny because the imgflip rules state that you shouldn't submit a repost but we all know those happen all the time and make it through. Yet there is no repost police, a repost never gets downvoted back to submission like some troll memes do, and they can feature at times when some good original memes don't. It just is what it is, some users even get mad at the person who will call out a repost instead of the reposter even when the imglfip guidelines ask people straight out not to do it. So I can totally agree with somebody getting upset if they make an original meme and it doesn't feature and then they see a bunch of reposts that have.
Like you said it should mostly be up to us to choose what we like and don't. Even if it's a repost if somebody likes it they should be able to, there is just no way for any mod to be able to tell if every meme is original or not. I think a persons best bet is to luckily find a meme like this one to post a link on, then if people say hey that's good, to delete it and re-submit it. Unfortunately no matter how many upvotes one may get here that didn't feature, if it's been 24hrs it has no chance if it does feature of moving up at all on the hot pages. I have had success on the second submit though and hope others will as well :)