On a (slightly) more serious note, I do think I don't stay away from the flip as much because I'm pretty unemotional when it comes to a lot of things, but especially social media. I mean, it's pretty much anonymous, right? Many people are perhaps a little sensitive to human interaction that might become negative. I just shrug my shoulders. Not to brag, after all I did plan to stay away for a few months after last November's election when I thought the Trump supporters would be insufferable (perhaps I should at least thank the man for screwing up so soon and quieting people), but that lasted all of three days until I was sucked in again. I have nothing else to occupy my time at work when I'm not busy - which is 60% of the time - and I seem to be able to do fairly well meme-wise. I just hang with the funny people, and most people who meme a lot seem decent sorts. :)