I agree completely my friend, I have over 15 years grocery managing experience and the waste is insane. We donated a lot of stuff from our bakery, it's people being afraid of getting sued that stops a lot of grocery chains from donating food instead of throwing it out. Did you know there are no FDA rules stating that food has to have an expiration date on it? Companies put dates on stuff without having to hoping people will throw good stuff out and order/buy more before they need to. I think a big part of fixing this could be done easily by eliminating the short dating or dating at all in some cases. Nobody wants to eat bad food I get that, it's just that throwing food away based on the date instead of using our own noses or whatever to check it can be very wasteful. It's a complicated issue, people just need more information about food safety. I have taken multiple classes and am actually licensed as a food inspector in Missouri, the stuff people don't know is entirely too much...