Yeah, I don't know you, but what I like about you is that at least you'll give me a debate and ideas to chew on, even if I disagree with much of it. I have to say what does it matter whether a vote is rural or urban? The ideal behind American elections is that it's one man, one vote, at least in theory, and that it's the individual voter who matters, not a bloc of voters who identify with a certain value system. The blue/urban areas on the electoral map may be smaller but they are more populous. If a majority supports the ideals of one candidate over the others and the other candidate wins, it doesn't change the facts in the ground that more people support one mode of thinking over the other. And with changing demographics - less white/rural/manufacturing, more non-white/urban/services - it's only a matter of time before the electorate bloc that voted for Trump shrinks to the point where it can no longer supercede the larger will. The Republicans only control Congress because of gerrymandering in House districts - the GOP has a stronger state's presence than nationally, and states divvy up districts - and because small-population red states, like Wyoming, have the same number of Senators as large-population blue states like California. That won't remain the same forever.
I'm not a lefty. I'm against socialism because it assumes authoritarian principles. I do identify as liberal, but liberalism is not leftism, nor is it 'progressive'. If anything it can be labelled center-left; moderate in economics, liberal in social issues. Liberalism is based on the autonomy of the individual and the rights of liberty that implies. (And yes, the left ignores that.) While I'm registered as a Democrat and believe more in their policies for the greater good I also believe in free trade, open markets, and globalization, which nowadays are more closely hewed to by Republicans in Congress. I don't believe in high taxation and believe people should be allowed to do mostly what they want without interference from government. I'm against conservatism because it's based in old principles of order and conformity and more power to fewer people. Power shouldn't shift from one group to another dependent on which group is in power; it should be given out to individuals, which will create fewer chances for government to clamp down on freedoms.