as I inferred it, his charge of 'Rigging' was in the vein of the Media was so Pro-Hillary that they were making her win seem inevitable, thus disenfranchising non-Hillary Voters
- you usually hear similar charges from Third party candidates about being overshadowed by the Big Two... especially when someone dismisses them as a "Wasted Vote"
By highlighting this tactic it increased Voter Turnout in so called 'swing states' tipping the Electoral College in Trump's favor... thus making it a case of Reverse Psychology to a degree as the Louder the Media Yelled 'Madame President" the more people responded with "You can't tell me what to do."
That Hillary was caught actively manipulating the DNC, rigging the Primaries, lead people to think that a similar type of Rigging was in play with the general election.
we need to remember that unlike Bill, Hillary and the Obamas Trump is Not a Lawyer and as evidenced by his Many ( oh so many) cases of 'foot in Mouth' the exact verbiage he speaks does not match 100% the spirit of his intended message.