Personally, after knowing you on here for a year, you definitely ain't no damn racist! I've never even considered anything you've said here even remotely so! You've done memes with risqué subjects, but it's obvious that you're pushing the boundaries, just like everyone else here, I'd say we do a damn good job of keeping each other in line so we don't jump off a clif, no? As far as I know, I'm one of the few Jews here, I don't complain about a damn thing, plus, I love using Hitler templates, I like making fun of his ass daily! Plus, I believe you, as I do, don't give anyone the power to offend you, as I do too! I never understood why anyone would give their power away, it's irrational! Ok, enough of this bullshit, let's go offend a few and make a few ImgFlippers laugh! :)