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Neither is criticizing Judaism nor Christianity.

Matrix Morpheus Meme | WHAT IF I TOLD YOU; CRITICIZING ISLAM IS NOT RACISM | image tagged in memes,matrix morpheus,AdviceAnimals | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
29,521 views 150 upvotes Made by a Redditor 9 years ago in fun
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17 ups, 9y,
2 replies
It's only a small part of the whole | IF PEOPLE STOPPED CONFUSING RACISM WITH BIGOTRY THAT WOULD BE JUST GREAT! | image tagged in memes,racism,bigotry | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Racism is a subset of bigotry, pertaining to strictly race: black, white, yellow, brown, red, or any other color group I'm missing here.

Bigotry, on the other hand, encompasses not only race, religion, national origin, political party, or hair color, among other things.

It's what you say in your criticisms that define the difference if it is, in truth, a criticism or bigotry in play
5 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Trump Smile | WHAT IF YOU'RE ORANGE? | image tagged in trump smile | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 9y
Covered it by the term any other color group I didn't mention. Now just waiting for the little green men from outer space show up. That'll cover a lot of territory under bigotry.
4 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Technically it's not always Bigotry either.
3 ups, 9y,
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Please expand on that thought.
5 ups, 9y,
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I don't hate Muslims. I just hate the ones who cut off people's heads and fingers in the name of "Peace"
4 ups, 9y
Fair enough. You have terrorists. Me too. I don't care what their race, religion, national origin or any of that other crap. Broaden your horizons.
15 ups, 9y,
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5 ups, 9y
I usually don't go on these types of memes, but this comment, just shut and take my upvote! :)
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12 ups, 9y,
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8 ups, 9y,
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Tribes, clans, partisan groupings - NOT religion.
4 ups, 9y,
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[image deleted]
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Yes. It's more conservative.
8 ups, 9y
Thank you for posting this! I wish someone would say this out loud, political correctness has gone too far!
8 ups, 9y
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Today, the hyper-sensitive label ANY criticism as bigotry.

And remember, Islam has been spread primarily through conquest and subjugation.
4 ups, 9y,
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That's because they are theologic states (NO seperation of church and state). Like many would like to see here....except we would be a Christian Nation ruled by Christian extremists. But we hang on by a thread to that "Separation of Church and State" thing

Pretty good cartoon here:
3 ups, 9y
" ... we hang by a thread to that 'Separation of Church and State' thing"

Is there a bill I didn't hear about in Congress establishing a religion?

And it was a cute cartoon, even though it ignored a lot of facts.
3 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Separation of church and state is not constitutionally guaranteed. Read the document. More importantly the ideal refers to the separation of the government into the affairs of religion. The founding fathers felt government had no place in telling religions what/how/ where they could or should worship. It's not the other way around.
1 up, 9y
So you'd like a Theocracy? Personally I don't want ANY religion in my government.
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Many of these can be found throughout Christian history as well.
8 ups, 9y,
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Well, Swiggy. ALL OF THESE can be pulled from the headlines of this week's newspapers around the world. So I'll thank you not to compare the barbaric practices of TODAY with something that happened 1500 years ago.
8 ups, 9y,
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7 ups, 9y,
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I think this meme flew over ninja2016's head...
3 ups, 9y,
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God, I detest him, he's a troll. He once tried to attack Beckett437 over Kanye West. He has also downvoted so MANY of my memes! Ugh!
3 ups, 9y,
1 reply
wait how can you tell if someone downvoted your meme?
3 ups, 9y
The meme is featured, but put back into the submission zone. Sometimes, he puts comments there. :P
5 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Yeah, that doesn't sound like you are bashing Christianity in the least. (eyeroll) Try keeping your criticisms within the confines of the last 20 years, since your precious Muslims are killing people TODAY and planning to kill more TOMORROW. You know, since they belong to a death cult and all.
4 ups, 9y,
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1 up, 9y
[citation needed]
6 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Okay, let's start with that wonderful Christian organization called the Ku Klux Klan. They are nothing more than the modern day witch burners. Every action they do is supposedly biblically based. I don't think you'd recognize the US Military's habit of killing non combatant civilians. I u derstand it didn't stop at My Lai. Hey, that's something you may want to ask a Vietnam vet. I know, that's ancient history. Still, you could ask him how the Vietcong took care of some of the soldiers. Nah, those wouldn't count, because not religious based. Wait! Most of the Mafia ate Catholic, and... Nah. Not religion. Strictly business. Same with groups down in Columbia, that slit throats and provide "neckties" from another body part.

So I guess I have to stick with the KKK, unless you want to count the fundamentalist Christians that have blown up Abortion clinics. Oh, and there was that member of the Fox News Cult that shot up the Sihk Temple because he thought it was a Mosque.

Cults lime Heavens Haye and the Jonestown colony pretty much keep to themselves, and I've not heard of Scientologists going this far. Then you have the FLDS with their child brides. A few otherc whacked out cults arould the country. Thank goodness the Amish are in the clear.

No, these practices occur today. It doesnt ake it right, especially when done in the name of religion. But you never know, REALLY know, who your neighbor is.
5 ups, 9y,
4 replies
Okay, let's allow your flawed premise that the KKK is a "Christian organization", when in fact it's more of a political organization, just like Islam. Let's compare the KKK worldwide body count since 2000 with the body count of the Religion of Peace since 2000. Do the KKK send kids into wedding crowds with explosives in suicide missions? When was the last time a KKK member shot up a night club in Orlando? When was the last time a KKK member killed dozens, running them over with a truck and shooting them? Jonestown (1978) and Heaven;s Gate (1997) are ancient history, all you need do to see Islam atrocities is check last week's newspapers or just wait a day or two at most.
4 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Jonestown and heavens gate cultists killed themselves not innocent bystanders. The Mafia and the Colombian cartels are criminal business enterprises with zero religious affiliation. Just ask Meyer Lansky. Isolated incidents of violence perpetrated by Christian cultists do not equate with a vast jihad called by millions of Islamic fundamentalists.
1 up, 9y
One reason why I discounted the groups. Then, after some thought, determined the Jonestown Christians did fall into the terrorist group. Not all of the deaths that occurred at Jonestown were temple members. Five people, including Congressman Ryan from California, were killed and 11 wounded in an ambush by temple members. That moves them up to terrorist group.

Heavens Gate, while not a terrorist group, did have that silly habit of genital mutilation, but they kept their milling to themselves, so I wouldn't call them terrorists. Just nut jobs.
3 ups, 9y,
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The KKK was the military arm of the Democratic party.
1 up, 9y,
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In particular, the Dixiecrats: Southern Conservatives. If I were a Democrat, I'd thank God they became Republicans.
1 up, 9y,
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LoL nice try. Funny how the more Republican the south becomes, the less racist becomes as well.
1 up, 9y,
1 reply
Yes, the Democrat myth that somehow... without millions of people in either party noticing it... is that Democrats and Republicans magically switched places.
1 up, 9y
Democrats have been running black communities for the past 50+ years, and the socialist policies of the Democrats have turned those communities into economic and social wastelands.
2 ups, 9y
Sorry ninja I hit reply on the wrong comment. The above was meant for Swiggy.
1 up, 9y,
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Sorry, bit the KKK IS a religious terrorist group. You'll notice I left out the neo Nazis and other White Supremacist groups. I did so because, while they profess to be Christians, those groups are generally not Christian Organizations. The KKK IS a Christian orhanization. That was how they tried to recruit me. Their terrorist acts have pretty much gone underground since the 60s, but they still do it.

Newspaper articles? Welcome to world of Yellow Journalism. Take the attack in Nice. While a Muslim ulled it off, he was not a member of any terrorist cell. He was a nut job. Likewise with the Orlando killings.

Does the KKK send their kids into weddings armed to explode? Not yet. That tactic, however, was not created by the Islamic terrorist cells. Ask any Vietnam vet about that.

Then there's the radical Mormons: the FLDS folks. Read up on the history of that church, and you'll find more than they were persecuted and driven out of the East by real God Fearing Christians. Joseph Smith, their founder, was one of the casualties. When they got to Utah, they took with them that same attitude.

I'm not condoning it for any faith. They all have bad apples. In general, the majority of Muslims around the world want to live in peace, just like most Christians do. To paint all Muslims with the terrorist brush is the same as painting all Christians with the KKK brush.

The atrocities they do in their own lands we need to let the UN handle.

And it would be nice if we stopped training and arming their leaders.
1 up, 9y,
1 reply
I'm sorry but your argument falls flat on so many levels. The KKK might consider itself a bona fide Christian organization however practicing Christians do not. And more to the point practicing Christians condemn the KKK and what it stands for. The peaceful Muslim world quietly observes it's terroristic brethren while whispering tsssk tsssk. There have been zero -0- nada. Zilch terrorist attacks committed by the KKK in recent memory.
The Vietcong sent children into army camps strapped with bombs not weddings. I know and have loved many a viet nam vet. Mormons are not radical Islamic terrorists and claiming they are is insane.
If Muslims around the world are craving peace above all else why don't they condemn and prosecute their own terrorists?
As far as Jonestown if you want to label a dead group of cultists terrorists fine. They are extinct so therefore moot.
2 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Nope. Your argument falls flat for denial. My argument is that there are terrorist groups in other religions besides Islam, but if it hits our own backyard, we're uncomfortable with it. And our own back yard is what we're interested in. This is what leads not just bigoted groups committing hate crimes, but individuals emulating them. The Orlando night club shooting was not a case Islamic terrorism, but some trying to emulate them. Or the cases where abortion clinics are bombed in the name of Jesus. I dunno about you, but I grew up a Christian, and I never heard doing that in a sermon. And believe me, I've been in a lot of different churches. Just because something was common 50 years ago doesn't mean it won't become common again. This country is sitting on a powder keg. When it explodes, expect the pillars of the community to be the first to lead the Lynch mobs.
1 up, 9y,
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I'm not going to argue. Supposition is not fact. The facts are today, in this world, at this time, radical Muslim terrorist groups ( with the implied and or given permission of Islamic countries) are committing acts of terrorism and genocide against non- Muslims. Orlando was terrorism because state backed terrorist groups praised the actions of the perpetrator. If / when Christian terrorists from a Christian country bomb/ attack Hindus or Jews or Buddhists or Muslims you argument will have reached validity.
1 up, 9y,
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If you're not going to argue, why keep drumming the issue. Domestic terrorism by Americans is more of a worry now than Islamic extremists. Among ourselves, we average between 40 and 50 deaths due to mass killings by fellow Americans, non Muslim, than we do Islamic terrorists. One attack this year, and it did the number. Isis may have praised him, but they also denied any affiliation. The determination was that it was not an Islamic attack, but a problem of mental illness.

I'm just wondering why you you would hate a particular group of terrorists when our own homegrown brand seems to be more active around here.
1 up, 9y
I hate no one. I have a different belief/ set of facts than you. My opinion differs from yours. We disagree. No more no less.
1 up, 9y,
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People are dying because of a Satanic death cult called Islam, some of them in the most barbaric ways possible and all you can do is come up with examples of organizations that have not killed anyone in years, if not centuries. And nice of you to speak for all Muslims, when most of them actually believe in oppressive Sharia Law. But go ahead and tell yourself how open minded and Progressive you are, anyone with any common sense whatsoever sees you rationalizing a horrible, backwards "religion" by painting with an even wider brush than you accuse me of doing. Yeah, and you shouldn't tell lies about how the KKK still do terrorist acts. If they did, CBS, CNN and the rest would be playing video non-stop. You know, like they did when the Muslim immigrant Tsarnaev brothers blew up the Boston Marathon.

The funniest thing you wrote was to suggest the UN handle "atrocities they do on their own lands", that was a real knee slapper. How did that work out with the Muslim caused genocide in Darfur? Remember Darfur? You probably had a bumper sticker on your Prius about it. Yeah, just another Muslim genocide, like Armenia, Serbia and all around Africa.
1 up, 9y,
2 replies
AMD this affects you, how? You're an American, I would presume. Like myself. You have your weapon, as well, i presume. Dont know if you believe in open carry: I prefer CCW, that way, while shooters are going after open carries, I have time to draw my weapon for use.

No, I'm one of those Americans that is concerned with what goes on here. Check out the number of mass shootings this year in our country. Islamic terrorists haven't even made a dent in what we did to ourselves.

Mom used to work with substance abusers. She had a print of the serenity prayer on her wall. It's good advice for all.

With that in mind, how do you propose to change the world, and why have you not done so.

First thing I'd consider is learning Arabic, and maybe even Farsi. Since you'd be looked on as a stupid American, just such terrorists would be happy to speak freely in front of you. I have two associates that speak Arabic while one can struggle through Farsi. In '03, while called back to service, they were able to gather more Intel walking around as regular GIs because of that than they did in interrogation rooms.

Figure out what you can do, and do it. But bitching about it on an internet forum isn't the best way.
1 up, 9y,
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You carry?
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Not long. Resisted for years, but certain things have "come up" that made me reevaluate my views.
1 up, 9y
I respect you for that. We may have different views, but there is definitely something to you.
0 ups, 9y,
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Well, for example, when those wonderful Somali immigrants that you love so much and are taking over Minneapolis, when one walks into the Mall of America and with a dirty bomb and the stock market falls 50%, give me a shout. Then I'll give you a big fat I told you so. Close the borders. Shut down Muslim immigration and start deporting these followers of a barbaric death cult back to the third world where they belong.
1 up, 9y
I recall we tried something like that in the 40s. After the war, the USSR decided a wall would be great to keep people out, but was used to keep people in. Every wall has two sides.

Not sure if it violate any treaties with the First Nations, though.

But why do you believe it would be some Somali that would do the bombing? IIRC, Tim McVeigh wasn't Somali.

Look, when you finally lose it and decide to go on hour shooting spree, just remember: Sihks are not Muslims.
3 ups, 9y,
1 reply
History, buddy, as in the past not the present.
1 up, 9y
Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
3 ups, 9y
3 ups, 9y,
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Im a muslim
4 ups, 9y
So what part of being a Muslim appeals to you? The beheadings or chopping people's hands off? Maybe it's the wholesale oppression of women and treating them like property, including the mutilation of genitals.
3 ups, 9y
I would definitely submit that.
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