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luanchblox15 (93135)
Joined 2014-05-24
182 Featured Images
627 Creations

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iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") in fun
0 ups, 3y
That is the most disrespectful way I've seen someone foil a rick roll.
Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 3y
Replace F r i e n d s with getting this meme to the front page, and you'll sum up what's been going on for the past 5 years for me.
The minute that quarantine is lifted in fun
3 ups, 5y
At least it gives me a chance to die while part of the 1%
One Does Not Simply in fun
1 up, 7y
Came back here after a 20 month break, and I am glad that this was eventually featured.
Philosoraptor in fun
2 ups, 8y
I took a break from imgflip, but now that I'm back, it looks a lot like the kind of trashy memes on ifunny.