Where I come from, we called vegans hippie freaks. Then I get to mainland Europe and learn... yeah, they're still hippie freaks. It's on the rise, though.
Especially me! Although, normal doesn't really pertain to me. My sister has been a vegetarian for gosh, umm....25 or so years, always iron deficient, bruises alot, always sick or not feeling good. I eat anything i want and no real problems!
It's wierd. There is an understanding that a host is accommodating to the guest. I have a particular food allergy. I make a request not to eat that food if possible.
Thats kinda not by choice...I guess it's a balancing act for social behavior.
email me on my facebook page: BaconFun. I will send you a copy of 'I Want To Be Bacon When I Grow Up!' for free if you lay it out on the coffee table when the vegan is over. Not joking :)
It's a broad statement. Truth be told, I have no problems with the majority of them. However, when I published my children's book about bacon and the bad apples/militant vegans started calling for the death of my children I lost a sense of tolerance for them. So now I admittedly make fun of vegans for the sake of making fun of them.
Her glycemic levels are erratic. Ideally, you should eat very small portions of meat with a happy serving of veggies. However, one should not that Mexico still is more obese than the US. That shocked me. I've been to Missouri.
It's like Hungry Hungry Hippos but the hippos are privileged white kids. The goal is to eat as few of the balls as possible because you're on a hunger strike to protest fur coats.
It incorporates dice as well. If you roll a five or six between rounds you put dreads in your hair and get bulimia, which allows you to regurgitate any food you may have swallowed inadvertently.