I'd say he definitely influenced my sense of humor. Although he does a lot of slapstick, to me the dry humor is he best. I like extremely Cary Grant dry humor.
Yea, they're all hilarious, i like them alot too! Lol. I do have a different sense of humor than most, i always laugh my ass of at stuff and have people look at me like I'm retarded, ive just got quite used to it. Lol
You just reminded me I had taken a picture today that I meant to share with my team at work. It was a front door with a "no soliciting" sign barricaded with LARGE houseplants. It was hilarious.
Right on bro appreciate ya, and looking forward to it ;) Working on a Saturday that's harsh, but then I worked nights and weekends for 8 years so I could be there to get my daughter to and from school. We do what we gotta, have a good one!