LOL, I guess you read since you read my meme. I really am interested though as to why you want to claim that as a hate crime, when all the investigative releases show he was radicalized, frequently complained of American ways and culture, threatened terrorists attacks to people around him, had 2 separate FBI terrorism investigations opened on him, called 911 to say it was a terrorist attack, made facebook entries stating the same and pledging allegiance to isis and its leaders. I really am confused as to what part of that is confusing? I realize that he targeted gays, because his ideology tells him to, I really do get it. However to apply that label to it only goes to underscore the problem I have with a "hate crime" law. It favors specialized groups for prosecution. Under the statute had he lived and walked outside and shot a straight white muslim cop, would that also have been a hate crime? Were the San Bernadino shooters guilty of hate crimes or terrorism? Moreover should history books 100 years from now state that this was a hate crime or an act of domestic radical terrorism?