"Pro-Choice Logic: We can have abortions on the fetus, but won't eat eggs because a baby chick is in their." This isn't a pro-choice logic. You are combining pro-choice and vegetarians. Vegetarians will say that we shouldn't eat eggs because of the baby chick, which if you want to get technical most eggs would be more like the period of a chicken with the eggs being unfertilized.
I just want to make sure you realize that of the 4 types of gorillas, each type is either endangered or critically endangered. So the killing of this one gorilla is the killing of an endangered species, which is why many people are outraged by this.
I have 2 problems with the incident. First, the zoo should have had better barricades in place to keep anyone of any size of falling into the exhibit. Regardless of a child running off, the zoo should have had better safe guards in place. Second, they should have realized the situation and should have tried to tranquilize the gorilla first. Yes the parents should be held responsible for not keeping track of the kid, but with the possibility of accidents happening even when they are watching their kids, there should still be more safe guards in place.
I watched one video where it shows the gorilla dragging the kid around in the water at fast paces. Honestly it is hard to tell exactly what could have taken place. However they should have used the tranquilizers first with having the riffle on standby just in case.