If you bothered to look, you would find many such stories from since the card was introduced. Here's a start, read and learn, from the WSJ to bloggers to video, just a sample from 2010 to 2015:
"These days, swipe failures are a fact of life. The Wall Street Journal tried to teach its readers how to swipe properly in a 2010 article, and a 2011 report from the MTA found that 20 percent of all swipes were misread. Straphangers have simply come to accept a certain number of error messages, and regular commuters pick up on the prickly turnstiles and card readers at their local stations. We adapt because we have to."
" The ubiquitous “please swipe again at this turnstile” message is the stuff of nightmares"
"On the way home, I swiped at the 74th St. station in Jackson Heights — and got that familiar “please swipe again” routine. I dutifully swiped again — and found that my fare had been reduced not by one but by two rides."
"They're on par with calamities like spilling your morning coffee on your new white shirt or getting the dreaded "please swipe again" message at the subway turnstile at the heigh of rush hour. "