Aye, but then you got to wonder if some of these came back changed like that because they were paid to. There's even lefties on this site that switched to that side suddenly. One of them still proudly proclaims himself a lefty. Another one switched, then switched back to left again (you had an encounter with him the other day).
In the case of that particular member that I posted the link to his meme of, his explanation a few months ago was that it was personal. After years working apparently (maybe?) on the road or something, basically distant from his family emotionally and/or physically if he was traveling, when he finally got around to being a family man again, it was too late. As this was around Covid 2020, not sure if it was a loss on account of that, or a basic Cat's in the Cradle situation, in which whomever ended up becoming like him and thus distant as he had been to them for years prior.