I made this meme 3 years ago. It illustrates how the left is imposing its 'balance' on our innocent young. I am a mother and a grandmother and I know how to parent & have always loved children. Exposing children to more than they can handle at a young age is child abuse and to unduly influence them with their orientation is also wrong. Period.
Parenting is tough these days and adulting is difficult as well. We can just do the best we can with our hearts and our souls. That is all we can do. There are no instructions handed us when we birth our children. We should follow our conscience and let it be our guide.
Unfortunately, many people today appear to have 'no conscience' or understanding of the difference between right and wrong as evidenced by how they exploit children, support trafficking over open borders, encourage early sexualization (and orientation), and so on.
Those are the facts. I am glad your daughter doesn't have the liberal curriculum advanced at her school but many schools do today. It is wrong and I will continue to speak out against it. If you feel taking her to church is important, I support religious freedom and respect those who believe in religion as well as those who don't.
My Democrat parents raised me by the Golden Rule and I believe strongly in it. Today, unfortunately, many Democrat trains have left the station and don't have a healthy destination. I identify as a Conservative who will vote Republican in an effort to bring back common sense, morality, respect, values, and law & order to America.