Bruh, you spelled Faux new wrong... lol
You nailed it, though... I have tried repeatedly to TEACH these hate filled Conservatives the basics of or our fuel industry and how pricing relates,.. but alas, they just don't care about FACTS or even historical data.
All they want to do, quite literally, is blame EVERYTHING on 'one' person. This logic allows them to run wild with ANY fearful accusation and have a scapegoat for their own projected actions and insinuations. :/ (like how Biden has a button on his desk he pushes to raise the cost of fuel at his whim,.. lol)
I'm just amazed at how fast it took for so many people (both lib/con) to fall prey to outside propaganda and foreign interference.
at an early age I was taught,
'Fool me once, blame on you..
fool me twice, blame on me'
Using Democracy to bring down Democracy is an old foreign ploy that finally seems to be working because Conservatives fear 'losing'. All you have to do is deny, deny, deny.
America was nice while it lasted.