Honestly the "crusty" part is the most accurate. These iPad kids never JUST CLEAN THEIR DEVICE FOR ONCE. LIKE C'MON THERES NO NEED TO GET FOOD ALL OVER IT. GOSH DARN THE SCREENS ARE SO FILTHY THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE IT. Sorry... needed to get that out of my system.
1. Buy Uranium-238.
2. Boil Uranium-238 into gas.
3. Run Uranium-238 through cell membranes and capture the Uranium-235 particles.
4. Obtain 33 pounds of enriched Uranium-235.
5. Buy 10 pounds of trinitrotoluene.
6. Encase trinitrotoluene inside a steel box.
7. Encase Uranium-235 in the same steel box with 90% concentration at minimum.
8. Place a fuse linking the trinitrotoluene to a switch either radio controlled or manually burned.
9. Detonate the trinitrotoluene causing nuclear fission and nuclear detonation.
do you have disney plus? if so check it out it tackles tougher stuff like Arthur does, well thouger than cocomelon (ew) and babybus but easier than arthur