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29,519 views 356 upvotes Made by AquariusFromYouTube 1 year ago in fun
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6 ups, 1y,
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2 ups, 1y
Now that's some funny sh!t
2 ups, 1y,
1 reply
"Would you like your burger flat, extra flat or hydraulically pressed?"
0 ups, 1y
Smash burgers are fire what are yall on
2 ups, 1y
I never was a line cook during my time at McDonald's, but given how flat the burgers are this is probably true LOL
2 ups, 1y
the quarter POUNDer
1 up, 1y
1 up, 1y
Micdonds burgr?
1 up, 1y
Its ok, he's just having a rough day guys
5 ups, 1y,
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1 up, 1y,
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and it really shows too
1 up, 1y,
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In n out is just soo good.
0 ups, 1y,
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what about kidd valley dicks drive in etc
0 ups, 1y,
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0 ups, 1y,
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0 ups, 1y
1 up, 1y
in the ad, they look like a cake with 6 pounds of yeast while in reality it looks like roadkill
1 up, 1y,
2 replies
wait wait wait. you sound like a muslim...and yes, i do read my bible. duh.
0 ups, 1y
was just wondering what that jas meant
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
I sound like a muslim?
1 up, 1y
no the guy who is arguing with me
1 up, 1y
I. call that knuckle sandwich
1 up, 1y
1 up, 1y
Smash burger
1 up, 1y
No wonder the burgers taste like sh!t
1 up, 1y
That's smashburger
1 up, 6mo
2 ups, 1y
True though
2 ups, 1y
2 ups, 1y
Flat as F**king paper.
2 ups, 1y
me who had a burger that wasn't smashed yesterday:
2 ups, 1y
These employees are just so aggressive with our burgers
3 ups, 1y
3 ups, 1y,
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"I deserve $15 an hour."
0 ups, 1y,
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Not trying to be political here, but everyone deserves to live, not survive, no matter how bad or good they are at preparing hamburgers.
1 up, 1y
I can agree with you 100%, and still think people who say "I deserve $15 an hour for flipping hamburgers" are entitled, short-sighted, and do not understand that there are things beyond what they want for themselves. Nobody who claims they "deserve" that high a wage for a job that a machine could do has ever employed anybody.

And I agree that this is a massive can of worms that is only going to descend into a flame war on a meme site. It's a highly nuanced issue, and we live in a world where everybody hates nuance, because it doesn't allow us to be as sure of ourselves as we would like. The longer I work, the more sympathetic to the labor movement I become, but it's foolish to act like your place of employment is supposed to not only put a price tag on your worth as a human being, but pay your hourly wage according to those criteria, as if it's that simple. As aggravated as I get with the company I work for, it has never once even occurred to me to say "I deserve to be paid more."
0 ups, 1y
So everyone is “entitled” to things no matter
How bad a job they do? Other than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness you aren’t entitled to anything.
3 ups, 1y
How did the bottom turn into the top
2 ups, 1y
It is true
2 ups, 1y
istg i've seen this on yt shorts... which would explain why you have fromyoutube in your name.
2 ups, 1y,
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The McDonald worker: so here is your small super flat burger, extra flat
1 up, 1y
Yeah 😂😂😂
2 ups, 1y,
1 reply
Real that’s nothing but real
1 up, 1y
Thank you so much Brother😀
2 ups, 1y
2 ups, 1y,
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When I worked at McD for over a year, I was making $5.15/hr and I never ever thought of doing something like that.
This was before teachers taught their students to be entitled brats, though, and school staff still prayed the Lord's Prayer in the auditorium before school started.

Maybe its just a coincidence, though.
0 ups, 1y,
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even now they dont teach kids to be entitled brats
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Of course they are teaching that. Of all the people I know, there is none more arrogant and narcissistic than school teachers.
Unfortunately, innocent, impressive children spend most of their waking lives at school having these self-centered public schools teachers as their primary role models—not their parents.

So what other school-driven philosophies are being indoctrinated into children on a daily basis?
Atheism, for starters.

Just at the very base level, Atheism is a human/self-centered worship, for the highest creature in the atheistic worldview is mankind—namely the 'free-thinking' atheist him/herself.

Evolution is actually based on Eastern mystic religions that promote mankind evolving towards Deity, and is akin to Luciferian doctrine, where man becomes God and dethrones the Almighty—as Satan desired to do. In fact, one could argue the earliest false religion was atheistic evolution, for this is what Satan tempted Adam and Eve to believe in, by replacing God with a better, smarter, more evolved version of themselves.

Either way, all 'entitled behaviour' has reared its ugly head since the removal of the Christian religion from the classrooms.

Again, maybe its just a coincidence..
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
im glad im homeschooled is all im saying
0 ups, 1y
Thats awesome, lucky you. Take advantage of this time by learning how to read, write, research, communicate and problem-solve like an expert, so you can graduate early and move on with your life instead of wasting years of your energetic teen-hood in a prison cell classroom.

Homeschoolers have lightyears of advantage over public schoolers in this regard.
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
bro im in f**king middle school do you think I don't know what I'm talking about?
0 ups, 1y
I dont mean to upset you at all. But, being raised in that system without any outside observation of the environment from a different perspective means that you cannot always detect the failures of the system from within.
Thats what is meant by thinking outside the box.

Its a classic case of the frog slowly boiled in water. It doesn't know the dangers that surround it until it is too late, because it has constantly adapted to its surroundings as they got worse.

Heres an example from an ex-teacher you might find interesting.
1 up, 1y,
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Not sure if you went to public or private school so this may not apply to you but:

It's almost like religion and public education is supposed to be separated. /s
1 up, 1y,
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Religion isnt separated from education, they have just changed their religion from Christianity to secular (satanic) Atheism.

It applies to everyone, because we can all see the fruit of the secular atheistic education system is that children are becoming more cruel, lazy, uncaring and merciless towards others. This is likely the symptom of separating Christian ideals such as 'loving your neighbour as yourself', and replacing it with atheistic, satanic philosophy such as 'do as thou wilt'.

When I was growing up, people would rarely even lock their doors at night in the city.
Why not? there was no fear of dangerous people breaking in and causing bodily harm, since, even the criminals of society were schooled under the pretext that God and Jesus is always watching us, and demands that we treat others the way we want to be treated.

Again, could be just a coincidence.
0 ups, 1y,
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Atheism isn’t Satanic. Satan hates atheists more than those that worship god. He just wants those that worship to worship him, and not god. Atheists believe they are gods and Satan hates competition but will use them like the communists use useful idiots.
1 up, 1y
I was not born yesterday. I have seen decent people in a school I went to doubt Gods existence, and then gradually evolve into Satanists.

A very famous atheist Aron-Ra recently admitted hes been a closet Satanist for awhile now. (no kidding, I knew that for years, I mean just look at the guy, he looks like a warlock)
Im sure you have seen it yourself, when kids at your school first deny God, then turn to witchcraft.

Anyways, it seems that when people throw out God from their life, they inevitably replace Him with another, lesser god—namely themselves, at least, at first.

When the Serpent deceived Eve in the garden, his argument that won Eve over to the dark side was convincing her that 'she would be like God', which is precisely the Atheistic Evolutionary goal for the Ascent of Mankind'.

Now, what Adam and Eve didnt realize was that, by listening to the Serpent, they were not simply denying God and 'becoming their own god', but rather giving credence to the voice of the devil, replacing God's words with Satan's words, which they obeyed.

Atheists make themselves God's enemy, and the enemy of their enemy is their friend. In this case, Satan is their friend. And similarly, as you said, they become useful idiots, but for Satan to exploit.
Atheism is but a stepping stone to Satanism. Facts.
0 ups, 1y,
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yes satan is behind all of atheists and you don't know what satan thinks.
0 ups, 1y
Who said that? Re read the post. I said Satan hates atheists more than believers.
1 up, 1y,
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Would you like it if I called Christianity "a bunch of crazy conservatives who go against their own god"?

You don't have to be Christian to be a good person, and you can be Christian, but be a bad person. If you have to believe that a powerful being will punish you for being bad, in order to not be bad. That's not being "a good Christian guy", that's being an asshole.
1 up, 1y,
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I have been calling them that for over a decade now, because many people I have met lately identify as 'Christians', yet they live as practical atheists, by their own rules, defining good and evil by what they perceive it to be. That doesnt define Christianity, it defines anti-Christianity (atheism)

As for being 'a good person', that can only be defined subjectively in the eyes of an atheist, since the highest authority an atheist can admit is their own self.
Psalm 53: 1 NLT – Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!

True Christians are taught objectively to be kind to those who need help, regardless of when or if they will be repaid for their kindness.
Conversely, atheists are kind to those they expect something from, or will only do ‘good deeds’ when they feel they will be recompensed in some way.

This is what is called an 'enlightened self-interest'. It is a feigned good deed that is done for personal advantage. This is essentially all the kindness/goodness that consistent atheists are capable of performing, is when they feel an urge to get something for their efforts—be it money, praise, fame, etc.

In other words, true goodness towards others must be self-sacrifice, which is the crux of Christianity, and the antithesis of atheism.
1 up, 1y,
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1. Atheism isn't "anti-Christianity", Atheism and Christianity just don't agree with each other, and that's fine.
2. So anyone who isn't Christian is evil and hateful? Kinda sounds like an excuse for if people don't agree with you :)
3. I was also taught to do good without expecting something in return.
4. This is getting annoying, and neither of us will change each other's minds.

Respond if you wanna, but I'm gonna go do things that makes me happy.
1 up, 1y,
2 replies
Only doing things that make you happy is the precise reason why I mentioned that schools are teaching kids to be atheistic brats who refuse to do anything they dont want to, to the point of lashing out violently just because they have to work hard for little pay. get over it, we cant all be kings.
The only other alternative is to cheat other people in life to make more money; well, thats not in the cards if you want to be a good person.

1. A-theism is literally 'Non-Godism' which is the antithesis of Theism, or 'God-ism'.

2. True Christians cannot be evil, and anyone who is evil cannot be Christian, regardless of what they call themselves.

3. In the same respect, anyone who identifies as Atheist and follows the Golden Rule, or 'loving their neighbour' as themselves, is not living according to atheistic principles, but Christian ones, and therefore cannot call themselves a true Atheist.

4. It may be annoying, but Im not trying to be. You may despise it now, but:
Pro 28:23 NLT - 23 In the end, people appreciate honest criticism far more than flattery.
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yes agree with all this.
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but wait. sin came into the world. we all sin, regardless of religion.
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True, however, sin committed by a true believer does not make them a sinner, just as a good deed done by an unbeliever does not make them a saint.

If a person desires to live in sin without repentance, they are a sinner, and have no place among the righteous—those who live in a way that pleases God.

Despite what your preacher tells you, Jesus is NOT a friend of sinners:
Heb 7:26 ESV - 26 For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, SEPARATED FROM SINNERS, and exalted above the heavens.

Psa 1:1, 5 NLT - 1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. ... 5 They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly.
0 ups, 1y
nonono. what? jesus died to SAVE us from our sins, not just christans.
0 ups, 1y
If Jesus saves you from your sins, you belong to him and are a Christian, as long as you continue to follow him.
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so, if someone blew up 23 orphaneges, but is a christian, that means they are good? how does that make sense?
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5 replies
It doesn't make sense and is morally and biblically impossible. Its tantamount to saying a person who prays to God everyday and treats others fairly can be a good atheist.

Jas 1:27 NLT - 27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

Make sense?
0 ups, 1y,
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mhm yes your god, not mine
0 ups, 1y
And your god would disagree with that?
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1 reply
lies. christians aren't perfect. romans 323: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
0 ups, 1y
Its not lies. Its your preacher and the many mega-preachers (on both sides) who are lying to you.
Romans 3:23 is referring to the time BEFORE having faith in God through Christ, it is not a once-for-all-time declaration of the status of a saint.

However, AFTER faith is attained, good works must follow which prove your faith, else it is dead. It was the same all the way back to Abraham, who was saved by faith, but was proved by works—done in true faith:

Neh 9:7-8 NLT - 7 "You are the LORD God, who chose Abram... 8 When he had PROVED himself faithful, you made a covenant with him to give him...

So it is with us, now that we are living by faith (meaning doing/saying/thinking good things that please God in a way that gives glory to Him, not ourselves) we must continue in the right path, and not fall short or fall away again:

Col 2:6 NLT - 6 And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.
0 ups, 1y,
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wait...what version are you using of the bible?! NLT doesn't exist!
0 ups, 1y
Use any translation you want, none of them are infallible.
0 ups, 1y,
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and jas 127? what is jas?
0 ups, 1y you even read your bible?
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i ment if someone believes in god and sacrifices people, but does multiple crimes a day
0 ups, 1y
Then they are not Christian, no matter what they call themselves.

3Jo 1:11b NLT - 11b..Remember that those who do good prove that they are God's children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God.
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