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Memienator (29134)
Joined 2018-07-09
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1000 IQ in fun
1 up, 2mo
Taking the penny option would produce a number that has 109 zeros. Not sure what's it called.
I wonder why hand sanitizer doesn't kill 100% of germs? in fun
0 ups, 5mo
Germs evolve and become resistant to sanitizers and antibiotics.
Incredible Paper Airplane Flight in fun
0 ups, 8mo
This has been confirmed fake by the fact checking squad.
Orange Man Mad in fun
0 ups, 8mo
Imagine living in the only superpower on Earth, with 300M+ citizens to choose from and you have to pick between a deranged lunatic and a decomposing vegetable.
Especially if the app is “design” based in fun
0 ups, 9mo
Every AI art (read: porn) generator ever.