It's traGIc and illoGIcal that you would imaGIne that the oriGInal use of gif is with a hard G. This viGIlant strateGIc attempt to enGIneer an attack and marGInalize soft G users as if it were just some GIant fraGIle fad, a leGIon or some kind of sick reliGIon that could be surGIcally reduced by a meme acting as leGIslation to label soft G users as fuGItives across all internet reGIons, regardless of our physical lonGItude, as if there might be a special place in hell for us like stereotypical GIngers, is saddening. I can see the diGIts on the clock and it's time for us to be aGIle. We will not apoloGIze for the correct use of words such as GIraffe and GInseng. You may treat us like we're contaGIous, like you must check your hyGIene after being near one of us, or that our pronunciation would be written illeGIbly, but the GIst is that this hard g meme is such a common fad that it might as well be eliGIble to be considered plaGIarized. I apologize for my Gibberish but we have bigger fish to fry, like GIngivitis. On that note, If anyone needs me, I'll be over here sipping my GIn and tonic.