ahh, you must be talking about the famous pics with Trump and Epstein at the democrat fundraisers when Trump was a dem.. I especially like the one at the Clintons house...
The point is, should he be the one in charge in accusations vs him?
How would you like to be the judge in your own trial? I am sure you would but is it right?
Not sure about Asian-American groups, but for sure Hispanic-Americans have massive buyer's remorse where Joe Biden is concerned.
It turns out that they now consider most of the things Trump said while in office to have been spoiler alerts that they should have listened to . . . rather than to the Trump hating and fanatically leftist loyal mainstream media that was politically pimping for Dementia Joe Biden.
This mid term elections cycle is already looking grim for the Dem Party. Just saying.
Do those groups prefer Trump? I have no doubt the Democrats are going to take a shellacking in November. It's typical of midterms. OTHO, what do you really expect to happen? The same thing that's happened the past 20 years? Nothing. Just higher national debt?
No, I'm retired military. I swore to support and defend the Constitution and will supporting hanging all traitors and imprisoning all criminals who attack it. Not trying to debate, but are you a traitor or criminal supporting overthrowing the Constitution and the US government, son?
No. I've met far-left's who hate America and want it to be communist, so whenever I get an opportunity I try to ask a liberal to see if most hate america. So far, not many have.
I'm not a liberal. Just because I'm "left" of a full-on Right Wing Nut Job fascist-supporting, Oath-breaking dictator doesn't make me a f'cking Lefty. What are you?
I'm a military retiree, "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" moderate and was a Republican for over 30 years until the Republican party imploded and started attacking other Republicans and military members so much. Romney was my last Republican vote and I never voted for a Democratic President. What party represents me? At the moment, the Libertarian Party does. https://www.lp.org/platform/ You?
Nice racist meme. Do you belong to a White Supremacist Trumper Militia? Where are those guys hiding? Are they still upset about Trump not pardoning them. Some of their leaders will end up doing life at ADX Florence. Too bad Trump doesn't care.
I literally just changed the races and now it's racist. There is no end to your hypocrisy. Where are you commie brothers? That's right, indoctrinating everyone from there elitist posts and trying to destroy America.
Really? That's all you did, son? "literally just changed the races"? ROFLMAO <wipes tear from eye> No doubt you're serious, son. Lemme guess, you believe vaccines are full of nanobots and that Trump really won the election. Amirite?