Now, here is a breakdown of what just happened. The context of this meme is Right to live vs Abortion. You came in with a strategy you learned from your brain washing media which is, when you can't with an argument derail the conversation, point fingers, and find a subject your opponent is weak against and build on that. So you came in with kids being held in those detention facilities, out of context and you pointed fingers to the republicans, and wrongfully assumed I was one. Then I jumped in and played along and asked you for the numbers to compare. You, again, could not argue back so then you started bringing in "poor kids, homeless kids, kids with disabilities", again out of context. The context of this meme is parents murdering their kids to dodge responsibility, not natural causes of dead, not kids being placed in detention facilities, no poor kids and whatever else you want to blame other people for. I am murdering you right here, If you had any dignity left you will walk out with your tail between your legs instead of derailing the context of this meme. BTW, I am a proud parent, I have build over 24 homes in Habitat for Humanity for American families in need, and the many churches I have attended within the past decade have programs where they send their own people to countries to assist those kids that are poor and have illnesses, we build up some clean water pies for a small village in Guatemala, so, I do not think I am a hypocrite. The church I go now has an excellent adoption program and many members have adopted kids from 3rd world countries, why, because is easier and cheaper than adopting one in United States, that is something that needs to be looked at. Have you ever tried to adopt a kid in the US? And many more churches in the US do the same...but go ahead and keep accusing conservatives, either republicans or libertarians of the things you do not do, after all, pointing fingers is what your brainwashing media has programed you to do. Tell me, does pointing fingers makes you feel better?