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ABC caught lying about Turkish battle

3,535 views 81 upvotes Made by Perspicacity 5 years ago in politics
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23 ups, 5y,
3 replies
ABC News used a clip that was taken at the Knob Creek Machine Gun range in 2016. Just more Fake News from the media. They also used a photo of dead children saying they were killed in the fighting. The photo was from a 1983 earthquake in Turkey.

We need to call the media out for their continual lies and propaganda.
15 ups, 5y,
1 reply
If there were fines equivalent to their advertising revenue for the hour where the lie was broadcast, that might do the trick. If they lie once in an hour, they make $0....if they lie more than once, the start dipping into their bank account. Give them an appeal with the FCC and if they can't prove that it was an honest mistake, the fine becomes due. That sounds like a fantastic idea!
11 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Goofs? Your hatred for Trump is turning you retarded. That's a complete LIE concocted by media scum for purely political reasons. Yeah, sit there and complain about both sides of politics and yet defend the corrupt media.
5 ups, 5y,
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5 ups, 5y,
1 reply
3 ups, 5y
Perspective? You're an absolute nobody whining on a Meme site.

There's nothing to consider about you.

Also, You haven't listed one fact other than you have become consumed by your hatred for someone who doesn't know you exist.

Trump is not the reason the economy is where it is.The economy flows up n down regardless of who is president. Fact: The economy was down during Obama's entire failed presidency... But you leftist Democrats didn't let that stop you from blaming Bush.

Some of the things you lefties say is beyond pathetic. No borders no walls, No America at all qualifies you for Anti-American of the year awards.

Keep pretending you care about America as you hope Trump fails, And America with him.

Personally I don't think you can think, Or care about America. You only have talking points you have been told to repeat, And you don't think America is great, You have made it clear you only support America if the President is a candidate you voted for.
1 up, 5y
3 ups, 5y,
2 replies
WTF? Who wants to nuke the ME?

And btw, not every rightwinger voted for Trump in the primaries, but what the hell did you think would happen going up against Hilldawg?
2 ups, 5y
The same reason you think everyone that doesn't bash Trump is a hardcore Republican.
3 ups, 5y
What century was this?
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Last time I checked it was the Media, Democrats and lefties like you hoping Trump would start a war with Iran. You were all screaming for war... You must be suffering from selective memory loss, And can't find the middle east on a map.

You hate Trump, You're wishing for socialism that is responsible for the death of millions.
Cite proof right wingers are wishing for the death of millions... Talking points don't count.

Unfortunately you America hating Anti-Trumpers don't know what integrity or morals are, You've been brainwashed by your TV'S.
See Nathan Phillips, Jussie Smollett as 2 examples, I can list more if you require more proof.

And rather than admit you lost the election, You keep throwing your childish temper tantrums, Thinking if you whine long enough and loud enough you will get your way.

I'm 100% sure if me and you stumbled across each other in the real world at a sports for example. You'd become enraged if your team lost and You would blame Trump.
Proof... You are whining about Trump on a Meme about ABC lying to you.
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
That’s a long waaaaaaaaa you just posted

I can guarantee you I’m more pro American than you could ever dream of.

You are so self deluded and brainwashed you actually believe in order to be a republican means kissing Trumps ass. You kiss his ass all you like.

I prefer thinking rational and logical thoughts.

Facts rule my world. And they shape my opinions. All politicians left and right are garbage

You and those like you are funny because you think the government gives a shit about you.

Yes I’m a nobody in the big picture. Just like you.

But I have a family and a few friends. Just like you.

Enjoy your delusional state. And enjoy the next pos democrat president
3 ups, 5y
You're projecting, Typical. You are whining about Trump on a Meme about ABC.

What branch of the Military did you serve? How long did you serve? What have you sacrificed for America? Absolutely nothing. Tears don't count.
You're an arrogant fool, All talk, No substance.

You are the delusional one, You've offered nothing but the MSM talking points you've been brainwashed to repeat what you've been told. You can't think, You're a Parrot repeating the same nonsense every other Anti-Trumper says.

You believe you are thinking rationally, You're bitching about Trump on a Meme site, You've lost all credibility at being able to think, You barely know where you are, You think your whining matters.. It doesn't,That's a fact.

I don't rely on The Government to give a shit about me, Unlike you, I grew up and can take care of myself, You blame the Government for why you failed at life.

I'm not a nobody, I'm one of millions laughing at you.

Your family and friends must be proud of the whiner you've become, They jump for joy when you throw your temper tantrums.

Enjoy your delusions and your hatred, It's all you have.
I'm not sure if you'll survive until the next Democrat President, You're barely surviving now.
0 ups, 5y
we SHOULD nuke the west. let allah sort out the good from the bad. there is no filter for the bad and the good but the fat man.
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Keep hating, Jamie. It's all you have
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
You think because I replied to your temper tantrum means I care, Your parents failed miserably.

I'm not worried about Trump getting re-elected, I'm worried about mentally unstable lefties like you, You can barely function now. You whine about Trump on unrelated topics.

You Anti-Trumpers are hilarious, You can't go five minutes without whining about Trump.
You're obsessed about a man who doesn't know or care that you exist.

You refuse to consider you might be wrong about Trump, You lack the ability to think for yourself, You thrive off your hate, Pitiful.

Russia,Nk, And now Turkey played Trump, You forgot to add Ukraine and China to your talking points. I can't say you've been played, You aren't in the game, You're whining from the sideline.

I don't care enough about you to like you, That's part of your problem. No one cares, You're an insignificant nobody begging for attention on a Meme site.
Insults and hate are all you Anti-Trumpers have, It's why Trump is your President.

If you don't like it, Pack up your play-doh and coloring books and leave America.
Don't like my reply, Don't beg for attention. You can't resist, You have nothing else to do to fill your empty days.
3 ups, 5y
No, they're war mongers and neo con scum. Funny how both sides agree on that now.
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
No one is keeping your whiny ass here, You won't leave because you have nothing to offer another country..

How many of those Republican congressman are throwing a temper tantrum on a Meme site?

You aren't useful to anyone. That's jealousy talking.

Whine, Lefty, Whine. It doesn't change the fact Trump is your President.

Keep kicking and screaming like a petulant child, It's hilarious to watch.
1 up, 5y
You can leave I’m going to stick around.

You keep responding. So even if I was a child so are you.
1 up, 5y
The old I know you are but what am I childish response. You have nothing.

Keep throwing your temper tantrum, It really is hilarious watching you pout.
8 ups, 5y,
2 replies
So, somehow it's Trumps fault..... Life must be so easy for you, you can blame everything on people you don't like.
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
0 ups, 5y
gg no re
8 ups, 5y,
1 reply
The subject is ABC lying about a video and you bring up Trump - yet somehow I'm distracting?

ABC isn't Trump. If you can't remember what the meme is about, scroll up and look at it again.
7 ups, 5y,
1 reply
MichaelRichey called you out on your Hate Trump rage. Everything you post seems to be “I hate Trump” even when Trump isn’t even the topic.

Get some therapy.
7 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Look, your views on Trump are your views but if you think ABC didn't specifically try to con their viewers, I don't know what to tell you. Michael spelled it out for you. Also check into Operation Mockingbird, the CIA infiltration of the MSM. I just don't get your seething hatred for Trump, yet you give a free pass to a lie and manipulation like this.
4 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Wow, it really bugs you that's there's one MSM outlet that has a conservative bent, lol. And I've called out Hannity for being a boomer neo con, pushing for war. Same with Kilmeade and Chaffetz. And you want to cry over Fox? Guess who had the Russian collusion delusion hoax right from the start? Yeah, Sean 'Mutherf**kin' Hannity. But you stand by Rachel Maddow and her conspiracy theories.

Maybe you know fake news by it's old name, propaganda.

Go ahead and hate Trump. I never liked him before but for all the crying, bitching and moaning the left and TDS sufferers like you go on about over NOTHING, I've come to think he's done pretty well since becoming prez. Nothing like the disaster I was told about a thousand times.
0 ups, 5y
You just refuse to grasp reality.

I am not a democrat. I am a independent who has never voted democrat in 52 years of life.

Try actually reading and comprehend what I say.

1. All politicians right and left are totally full of shit.

2. I hammer Trump for 2 reasons

First reason is he’s the latest pos in Chief.

Second is because he’s always been a pos he’s entire life.

Trumpers voted forth him for the same reasons as always. He blew smoke up their asses and they bought it.

Just like that dumb bitch who actually believed Obama wasn’t going to pay her rent.

The right wingers who hang out here keep calling me a cry baby leftist ect ect.

None of the name calling proves me wrong. But if you are going to call me names I’ll repay it. I can sink to that level.

I’ll make a deal with you. Give me a talking point based in fact that proves Trump is a quality president who actually deserves and respects the office and I’ll never post here again
2 ups, 5y
FFS We ALL know you're not a lefty. You've only told us 27 times over the last week.

You're salty because I called you a TDS sufferer? lololol yeah, you are.

I don't want you to leave. I don't want anyone here to leave.

Trump pissed on the Paris agreement. That alone was a great thing, unless you think spending 1.5 trillion and losing 6 million jobs to keep the temp 1 degree lower over 100 years is awesome. He also keep a true corrupt politician in Hilldawg from being prez. You've yet to convince me of any Trump corruption.
0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Thats racism
7 ups, 5y,
1 reply
So, ABC went on YouTube - downloaded a video that was clearly marked as a Kentucky machine gun range video and:
ACCIDENTALLY ignored that the video was nearly a decade old,
ACCIDENTALLY edited out the closeup of the kid saying "this is the coolest thing I've ever seen",
ACCIDENTALLY edited out the people walking by with their smart phones,
ACCIDENTALLY edited out the spectators sitting in lawn chairs,
ACCIDENTALLY edited out the intro,
ACCIDENTALLY altered the color,
and ACCIDENTALLY wrote an entire story that it was from Syria?

That's a heck of a "goof"

And, what does Trump have to do with ABC lying again?
5 ups, 5y,
1 reply
ABC is a corporation, a corporate person. I can refer to ABC as such, because legally it is a person. And truthfully, there were several places where it SHOULD have been caught, which turns it into a willful lie. The person who downloaded it either was told to, or they lied about the origin. The person who edited it knew it was a lie. There are fact-checkers (or there are supposed to be) and they knew it was a lie. There is an editor, and if he saw the original video - he knew it was a lie..... This deflection, trying to blame a worker bee who was mistaken or misguided is a fallacy. At best, several people knew it was a lie, and they allowed it to continue. Several people empowered by the corporation to make such decisions, chose to lie.
12 ups, 5y,
1 reply
link to the original video
(which they doctored by the way by darkening and cropping it so the spectators won't show up)
4 ups, 5y,
2 replies
You mean the one where he told the crowd that if they see anyone about to commit an act of violence to protest Trump, to go ahead and punch them, and he'd pay their legal bills?

Sure, he was endorsing violence, not a great thing, but he was endorsing /defensive/ violence, not offensive.

Don't honestly know why I'm bothering to reply to you though, you're the most blatant example of a democrat Moby I've ever seen on IMGflip. The TDS is too strong in you to believe any claims you make that you're "really a republican".
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
I’m not a republican these days. I was once but I went independent years ago. Both parties are totally full of shit.

I find it funny and vomit inducing at the same time how easily Americans are manipulated
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Both parties are full of shit, Just like you. You've offered nothing but insults and talking points.

I find it funny how you hate everyone that doesn't agree with your hate.
Keep pretending to be smarter and more American than everyone who doesn't agree with you, Everyone can see you're pretending.
3 ups, 5y
You wouldn't know a fact if it unzipped your pants. You hate someone who doesn't know or care you exist.

Feel free to pretend you are smarter than I am, I knew you were pretending, At least you admit you are pretending.

Trump is a billionaire real estate mogul, Top rated Tv game show host And POTUS. You're an absolute nobody throwing a temper tantrum on a Meme site, You have no credibility.

Face facts, Trump is your President, Your childish insults got him elected.

You don't have a life, It's why you're begging for attention on a Meme site.
There you go again, Pretending to be smart after you already admitted you are pretending.
11 ups, 5y
Slimy smear merchants
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