No it is not. It's a horseshoe crab. Their blood is blue and they have arguably the best immune system on earth along with that of sharks. Their blood is based on copper instead of iron as is ours. Makes me wonder if they came from the planet Vulcan...I was stationed at Dover AFB, Delaware, and they washed up all along the beach. Those beaches were among those to which they migrate to lay their eggs in the sand. They used to be all over the beach along the New Jersey shore where I fished as well. I am (probably obviously) a Science, History, TLC, and Discovery channel nerd (along with Fox News and Syfy plus anything military. Oh, and NatGeo and NatGeo Wild among others. They come ashore along the entire east coast as far south as Florida. They show up on the same day every year en masse, and no one knows where they go when they return to the sea after spawning. I don't know how far north their range goes, I have only been there to see them in New Jersey and Delaware.