Oh I forgot you're not allowed to look at anything the left wing media tells you not to. They have done a good job at brainwashing you so that you do not dare know the truth. You've lost your own identity and your ability to think independent of anyone else's opinions or beliefs. How sad that you have lost yourself. It's like you're just a robot. I learned the truth by watching msm and comparing it to what Trump actually said. That's when I knew the truth and that they were lying about president Trump. I wish you were able to do that.
They suspended clinical trials of a drug that has been around for 70 years and helped people heal of covid. Now the world can see what they really are about. The deaths that could have been prevented by hydroxychloroquine are bcuz of them. Doctors have come out and said they gave hydroxychloriquine and %100 were healed.
question: Why did these democrat politicians shut down their states and cities and tell citizens to stay in when they and their family went to restaurants..no mask...out walking around with their dog..no mask, riots allowed most with no mask, out on a boat partying and on the beach. why did cuomo allow sick patients to enter a senior citizen place with no questions. They used spike protein in the shots. that doesn't belong in vaccines.