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smol_bean311 (69517)
Joined 2020-05-28
Uzui tengen is hot but his wives are hotter {If you need someone to talk to I'm here☺genderfluid,pansexual,poly,afab
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Yes that's me in LGBTQ
1 up, 1y
I ALWAYS COME BACK!!(I am a fnaf nerd)
Got new skinny jeans (yes I took this with a table because no phone rn) (marked nsfw just to be safe) in LGBTQ
0 ups, 1y
Damn,didn't know tables could take pictures, this is new information for me
you dont have to answer. in depression_much
0 ups, 1y
I have anger issues and some other issues, I act out for attention even if I don't want it,because that's what I think I need to do,you don't know what I go through
you literally cant in fun
1 up, 1y
Nah cuz when me and my brothers fight,I mean we fight,both of us are walking away with scratch marks,A sore arm or leg,maybe a hurt finger,nothing too serious but we fight,love those dorks tho,even if they teased me ever since I knew how to speak
Happy Halloween! in LGBTQ
0 ups, 1y
Late but awesome costume😁i went as harry potter, broke the gender norms lol, pretty sure that made one lady mad because I'm A girl,dressing as a fictional boy and not the main girl character