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rickdeck666 (892)
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I do not think that Nazi means what you think it means in politics
0 ups, 3y
As my overall final response: I truly respect your passion on these matters. I'm skeptical because you don't seem to back up your knowledge with anything tangibly corroborative. You've only brought up theory and ideas. I respect that, but it's all head and no heart. Occam's Razor is a great idea, in theory, just like most government ideals but in reality nature is much more intricate. Those are ideas that are a great starting place to help us humans cope with existentialism and make sense out of the world around us. Everything is a butterfly effect.
I respect your most strictly intellectual thoughts on this matter but unfortunately they also don't take into account human emotion and natural variation. Ideas are a great starting place, but I feel we can't hold so tightly to them because we then lose our bearing on how reality affects those theories. The meeting of the head and heart is intelligence, and that's what we need more of.
I'm not saying it's too complicated to understand, I'm saying you are not taking into account how humans truly interact outside of pure theory. It's like saying: "I'm going to breakup with my significant other. According to Theory X, if I do it on this day, in this way, at this place and at this time it will be the simplest time for it." And then you go to breakup and it doesn't go as planned because emotions and other variables come into play but all this time you're thinking: "But...but...but... I followed the simplest idea!"
In the future, I invite you to post your sources because after my first rebuttal I don't really trust much of what you say, or find it valid outside of your own conviction.
This is a great article on how things like Occam's are great in theory but when it comes to things specifically like biology, it's not as effective.
I encourage you to start with your theories but truly take in the world around you and how different people are affected by different things and then form your beliefs around that. That is true intelligence. Thanks for the debate and cheers to your health!
I do not think that Nazi means what you think it means in politics
0 ups, 3y
-You saying "stealing your freedom" is another whistle blow just like at the end of Reconstruction: you are afraid of true change for all citizens because of your set ignorant ways and rather than open your mind to other perspectives you will hide behind your own victimization. This victimization is further fed to you by people like Donald Trump saying the "vote is being stolen" just in the same way as Southerners believing Carpetbaggers were tied to Washington against the South. This is the way rich men like Trump are able to further American capitalism. Making you think the wealth of the nation is somehow directly related to your own personal wealth. "Oh well the stock market is doing well." Sorry to break it to you but the stock market doing well is only important to the people with a majority of the money.
Also if money is only a representation, then why not just share it? Not a big deal, right? Oh wait, yeah like who is going to do that? That's right, nobody. Because in this society it's not just a representation. It is power. American capitalism has created its own oligarchy based on who has the most money. You know it. I know it.
I do not think that Nazi means what you think it means in politics
0 ups, 3y
-Capitalism was around well before Marx and was in no way whatsoever coined by him. It simply became more popular in its usage after he wrote about it. Source:
-It's quite astounding how narrow your view of the economy in terms of reality is. You speak of capitalism with as much naive simplicity as Marx and his "utopia". It's about as narrow and simplistic as your "belief" that just because civil rights was signed into law in '64 that blacks are somehow magically free from any residual oppression outside of said written law.
-What you don't see is that much of the corruption you talk about marring capitalism is the same detrimental device that mars socialism. They are both good ideas at heart. But in reality, American capitalism has become bastardized ever since Regan. Source:
-"Evil people will try to sell an inferior product or will try to charge more than the market value but in a free market those people go out of business" Please try telling that to all of the people conned by Trump University.
-I have absolutely no clue where you get that Marx thought capitalism was "theft". Maybe another skew told to you. Here's some lengthy reading I hope you're up for:
"First, Marx’s refusal to accept that capitalism involves a harmony of interests between worker and capitalist, replacing this with a class based analysis of the worker’s struggle for better wages and conditions of work, versus the capitalist’s drive for ever greater profits." He talks about the "exploitation of the worker". Which is exactly where American capitalism is right now. So the only "theft" is the fact that the people who actually make the hammer and the screwdriver and the apple pie are being exploited for their labor while the people who market the products retain the majority of the wealth. Your idea of wealth is dependent on people having relative amounts of it in order to prosper in life in the way they see fit. Unfortunately, that is not the reality of American capitalism.
I do not think that Nazi means what you think it means in politics
0 ups, 3y
Please be sure to read all my rebuttals because your half truths and baseless "belief-as-fact" is truly astounding. Thanks for the challenge!
I do not think that Nazi means what you think it means in politics
0 ups, 3y
-What "slavery" is being "forced" upon you? The fact that we all contribute to the health of our neighbors as a whole? Take a look at most Nordic Countries that embrace not full Socialism but Socialist practices that benefit the future of the nation. They are some of the healthiest, clean and happiest nations in the world. America is one of the most financially prosperous yet socially sick countries in the world. Why is that? I'll leave you to answer that for yourself.
-Your whole last paragraph there is absolutely bonkers. It sounds like you read an Ayn Rand book at one point and just ran with it. What oligarchy? Donald Trump and his family is quite literally the closes thing to oligarchy right now. His "Election Defense Fund" is mostly to pay off his own debts! I mean Jesus Christ! Source:
He is literally playing golf while people are dying! "They are told they are working for the collective while the individuals starve." Sound familiar?