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I do not think that Nazi means what you think it means

1,309 views 33 upvotes Made by anonymous 4 years ago in politics
You Don't Say - Nicholas Cage memeCaption this Meme
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Sad girl meme | I WAS ASKED TO BE A RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN AND CANCEL MY ICE CREAM SOCIAL SO AS NOT TO SPREAD THE VIRUS | image tagged in sad girl meme | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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Ancient Aliens Meme | THE AMOUNT OF STUPIDITY IS JUST SO SPECIAL | image tagged in memes,ancient aliens | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Somehow seeking to curb a virus is equal to wanting to commit genocide against a race of people? Are you serious? Last time I checked, all the cousin-f**king erectile defunct second amendment boner Drumpf Drones have never been forced once at one of their pitiful protests while what began as a peaceful protest in front of the White House was turned into a Fascist assault on citizens so the most overrated and failed businessman of this century could get a picture in front of a church with a Bible (upside down) in a similar fashion to a picture of Hitler. Hitler and Trump both ultimately failed at what they wanted to do first (Hitler: art, Trump: art of the deal) so their sociopathic tendencies led them to government because they couldn't cope with understanding that they had no meaningful purpose in life and so they convinced all you other MFers who also have no meaningful purpose that they as leaders have "seen the light". Get bent you twat.
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You win the "duuuhh orange man bad" award of the day. And I thought I was bad at grammar and sentence structure. Your comment was so bad that it made what you said utterly incoherent. You do not earn the right to call other people stupid.
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Drake Hotline Bling Meme | Debating the actual point Criticizing grammar | image tagged in memes,drake hotline bling | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
I love love love when people like you can only find a high ground in an argument by criticizing grammar or "sentence structure". Try again when you can actually back up your meme. You know what I said. I'm sorry it wasn't in MLA format for you.

It is my conjecture that your theory of equating anti-semitism to COVID prevention is pure bull. Saying that Nazis specifically targeting non-Aryan businesses is somehow as oppressive as taking steps to prevent the spread of a virus is so out of touch with human reality that it defies logic and understanding. You have been brainwashed with so much reverse psychology by a professional con man who has never known a poor day in his life. So this man who claims he is for the working people has never been a working person his entire life. And now those working people who either consciously or subconsciously wish they had Trump's wealth believe that if they trust him they might someday be as wealthy and "powerful" as him. They believe it is their right and anything in the way of that (read: actual human progress) must be done away with. Your meme shows you view society in terms of dollars and not human lives. And then you look the other way when this utter disgrace of a human being uses brute police force (which is a classic fascism play) to move protesters back for a photo op so he can feel some sort of superiority. All of you insecure boot lickers ate it up as him keeping some sort of "law and order" when in actually reality it was the tactic a dictator would use on citizens. And you think putting COVID restrictions is like that? What did you want? Governors were trying for a mask mandate but your impotent orange god mocked them and said the virus was disappearing by Easter. Not to mention y'all got hella bent out of shape because apparently you didn't know how to cook, cut your own hair or work out on your own. So yes, I'm calling your meme utter stupidity.

If you want I can make a PDF of this and put it in Dissertation form if you'd like. I repeat: get bent you twat.
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Whew! For a minute I thought you were talking about me but I see you were talking about "people like me". That's a relief.

I didn't argue with what you were saying because it made no sense. I could not understand what you were getting at. Apparently you think I am so sort of Nazi and you hate Trump.

I am not a Nazi in anyway shape or form. Socialism absolutely sucks. It murdered over 100 million people in the 20th century. I want nothing to do with it.

I have always been a strict Constitutionalist because I believe in freedom. Socialists do not. I believe all political power resides in the individual and that we loan a very small amount of that power to the government.

I can't help it that you hate Trump. That is your own personal problem. I don't hate people, I hate ideologies. I hate Socialism but I don't hate Socialists. I just think they have thought things through at all. Maybe they are incapable. Maybe they only want to believe the lies about Socialism.

Hitler was a Socialst, so was Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini and Mao. Kim Jung Un is a Socialist. Nicolas Maduro is a Socialist. Che Guevara and Fidal Castro were Socialists. But today's Socialist refuse to look at the history of Socialism and think they do it right this time. You just cannot take that much power away from the people and possibly think you are going to have a different result. That is the definition of insanity.
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"Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years.

Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security.

Socialism is what they called farm price supports.

Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance.

Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations.

Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.

When the Republican candidate inscribes the slogan "Down With Socialism" on the banner of his "great crusade," that is really not what he means at all.

What he really means is "Down with Progress--down with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal," and "down with Harry Truman's fair Deal." That's all he means."

- Harry S. Truman, 10/10/1952

I don't disagree with the fact that many dictators have called themselves "Socialist" but in actuality they have nothing to do with socialism at all because they are not for the good of all people. Much in the same way, Trump is touting his own anti-socialism but in reality it is the exact same lure previous dictators have used with socialism. He is not for the good of all people, just himself as evidenced from his inability to accept his defeat. Also, by the way, if you support or have ever supported: public education, public transportation, public libraries, fire departments, police departments, every branch of the US military, roads/highways, social security, medicare/medicaid, public prisons, public hospitals, public universities, public parks, the Veterans Affairs Administration then you support American socialism because that's EXACTLY how these things are funded.

Hitler was about as much a socialist as Trump is a Republican. They just wanted your trust, to take advantage of your fears for their power and to promote themselves. God forbid everybody gets healthcare! You are buying into the rich telling you they're like you and scaring you into staying complacent and feeding into a societal self-sabotage because that's the easiest way for them to stay rich.
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Socialism is when the government controls the means of production.

Socialism is when money must be distributed evenly among the people.

Socialism is when labor controls the economy and not the consumer.

Socialism is when the individual does not own any property which is the foundation of individual liberty.

Socialism is driven by malignant narcissists who believe they have the right to control other people's lives.

Progress does not come through Socialism because Socialism kills incentive.

Wealth is destroyed by Socialism because Socialists have absolutely no clue how the economy works and so the club individual wealth creation to death.

Socialism creates the greatest income inequality mankind has ever inflicted on anyone.

Socialism sells by creating a divide between one group (the oppressed) and another group (the oppressor). Marx called it the proletariat (workers) and bourgeois (the business owners). Modern Marxists have found that this hasn't had the effect that they wanted so now they have created a new dichotomy of the oppressed/oppressor scenario. It is the "privileged" white man vs everyone who is not a white man. There is no logic or reason behind this dichotomy other than to create a gap so wide that the alleged oppressed are driven to violence against the alleged oppressor.

In reality no such dichotomy ever existed to begin with. Not in Marx's time and not now. It is a total fabrication that is spurred on by the news media because civil unrest sells news.

But there is now an entire generation that has been filled this this hatred of the "oppressed" that they are burning down cities, rioting, looting and killing people. They blindly call the "oppressed" names that have absolutely no basis in reality. They refused to look at the damage Socialism has actually caused because that might shatter their entire world view. They have worked up such intense hatred of people who have done nothing to them that if they were to ever realize they were wrong it would utterly destroy who they are.

No, maybe not every dictator is a Socialist but there is just no escaping the fact that Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Castro, Guevara, Chavez, Maduro, the entire Kim Jong family are all devout Marxists and devout Socialists. They all wrote about it. They all practiced it. They all believed in it. It is time to wake up now. LOOK IT UP!!!! It is time for that evil world view of yours to collapse.
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"There is no logic or reason" in looking at "privileged" white people?? Are you kidding?? You literally just voided 400 years of slavery by white people in this country. One of the biggest reasons the cost of living is so low in the south as opposed to the north is because most of the state basis of wealth in the south was derived from slave labor. I'm white. I am privileged. It's so okay to admit that. Yes I have troubles just the same as anyone else but I haven't had the weight of my family history being in bonds and ripped from their homeland. Can you say that about your family? Have your ancestors ever been subject to slavery and/or forced relocation and genocide? If you can't say that then guess what, my friend, you are privileged. And that's okay.

Please see above article for an interesting blind spot in our American pride.

You also understand that Marx was a Communist, right?? That's why he literally wrote "The Communist Manifesto" not "The Socialist Manifesto".

Under true socialism, individuals do own property. You are literally just eating up the scare tactics they use to lump Socialism with Communism.

Please see above article and note differences. I've looked it up for you. Maybe it's time for you to wake up a little too.
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You have some version of revisionist history that does not account for the facts. That fact is that only 7% of the population owned slaves. So when you say things like the entire south relied on slave labor for their profits you do not know history. Also there were tens of thousands of slave owners who were black.

What killed the economy in the South was not the absence of slavery but reconstruction. Look it up. The 14th amendment prevented anyone who fought against the United States in eligible for public office. This meant that no in the South could run for any type of public office. The South had no representation. The Carpetbaggers and Scalawags from the North came down and fleeced the South of any money they had left. Plus the Confederacy had all converted their cash from US dollars to Confederate dollars. After the war the Confederate currency was worthless. The entire population of the South lost all of their money. They were broke and they never fully recovered from that.

Perhaps you feel "privileged" but I don't. I do not believe that one person is elevated about another. I don't buy into the myth that anyone is being oppressed in a free country. It is cultural Marxism. It is the myth of the oppressed and the oppressor. Slavery ended over 150 years ago. Jim Crow ended over 60 years ago. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has been in place ever since. The oppression of blacks died out years ago. It is kept alive by race manipulators who earn a living off of driving a huge wedge between blacks and whites. And in the last 20 - 30 years they have been working on passing that myth on to people of other non-white races. If they would just shut up then you would see how little racism plays a role in anything. It exists but it is virtually non-existent.

The irony is that racism is what led to slavery. And very same political party that fought FOR slavery, fought FOR Jim Crow, fought AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all other civil rights acts before it. That same party is now moved on to trying to force a different type of slavery and this time on everyone.

The slavery that makes the collective more important than the individual. The slavery that puts an oligarchy in charge of deciding the needs of the collective. The individual is expendable and irrelevant. The individuals job is to work for the oligarchy to provide them with riches. They are told they are working for the collective while the individuals starve.
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I have absolutely no idea where in the world you're getting this info from. Let's set the record straight. First off:
-1860 Census Shows an average of 32% of states that would want to secede owned slaves. Source:
-Concerning Black Slave Owners, yes there were free blacks that owned slaves. Stockholm Psychology is a real phenomenon. Would love a source where you get "tens of thousands" because I can't find anything that alludes to that number. Here's Malcolm X's infamous speech excerpt:
I get the feeling that you're from the South, if not, then you've been taught history by Southerners.
-Let's be clear: Carpetbaggers is a term for Northerners that went down to the South to try and reinvest in plantations by hiring freed blacks and whites. They were demonized by the South because they supported civil rights legislation, aid to economic development and the establishment of public school systems. Just like you all are freaking out about the non-existent "voter fraud" right now, the South was afraid that Carpetbaggers were politically allied with Washington to loot and plunder the South. None of which was true. The South just could not come to terms with a vastly new social law in the land which was leaned towards equality. They couldn't handle it. The only reason you think the Carpetbaggers "fleeced" the South was because they actually wanted to pay people instead of utilize free labor. Source:
-Scalawags was a term for white southerners that agreed with civil equality. They didn't "come from the North" like you said. They were terrorized and murdered by pro-secession southerners who felt the scalawags were racial traitors. Source:
-The 14th Amendment was controversial in Southern states because in order to regain representation in Congress, Southern states had to ratify it. The 14th Amendment was all about citizenship laws and equal protection under law concerning former slaves. So to sum that up: the South had to agree to the fact that former slaves were equal under law and they would get representation. The only reason the South suffered during Reconstruction was LITERALLY because they would not agree to the fact that FORMER SLAVES DESERVED EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER LAW. So please stop acting like the South was victimized. They didn't want to change their backwards ways.
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Who sanitized your idea of history? Seriously? Stockholm Syndrome??? A person not living under the duress of a captor cannot get Stockholm Syndrome. A freed slave a free black man who was never a slave or descendant of slaves just cannot have Stockholm Syndrome. A slave living in tyranny could but not a free person.

The North was not all full of goofy liberal civil rights activists like you. Many northern states passed laws that outlaws freed slaves from settling in their states. There was a riot in New York City because the Irish thought the freed slaves were going to come and take their jobs.

Most of the North had to be coaxed into fighting the South. The North had to embellish the treatment of slaves just to get them to care. They had no motivation to shoot their countrymen.

Carpetbaggers did NOT come to the South to help anyone but themselves. Your view of them is so perverted. It was the slave owners who hired their former slaves as field hands. This was not facilitated by the Carpetbaggers. Many of the freed slaves felt like they had no place to go so the just stayed on the plantation. That could have been a little bit of Stockholm. But I also know that not all slave owners spent all of their time beating their slaves. Just in a business sense you cannot incapacitate your labor and expect to meet your production goals. It just doesn't work that way.

Look... I am not defending in slavery in any way shape or form. It is immoral and disgusting to think that you can own another human. Just as reprehensible as when Socialists take your private property rights and claims ownership of your life. The basis of freedom is self ownership and private property rights. That does not exist in slavery and Socialism.
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Source for the 14th Amendment:
-The fact that you don't understand the true social implications on the history of Reconstruction illustrates how blind you are to your own privilege.
-It is further illustrated by saying that you don't "believe" in it. Just because you personally don't "believe" in it doesn't mean it doesn't exist in reality. It'd be nice to live in a fantasy but that's just not how life works. Nurses have recently come out to report that some patients who have dies from COVID haven't "believed" it's real even up to their death. Privilege is as real as COVID, no amount of your beliefs can will it out of your own personal fantasy of history. And, to be honest, the only reason you "don't buy into the myth that anyone is being oppressed in a free country" is quite simply because you're not the one being oppressed. Savvy? You never were.
-You need to stop throwing "Marx" and "Marxism" around like a kid who just got home from his first year at college. I'm not sure you actually know what you're saying. You probably just figure throwing "Marxist" on anything makes it "dirty" somehow.
-Slavery ended in written law 150 years ago but if you can't understand, again, the social implications that have evolved through the years it further illustrates how blind you are to your privilege. You think Slavery gets ended in writing and the feelings and thoughts that made it a thing in the first place just magically disappear? What kind of fantasy world do you live in?
-"The oppression of blacks died out years ago." How in the hell do you figure that? You speak of it like it's a fact. Are you black? How can you measure that it "died out years ago"?
-You using the term "Race Manipulators" literally sounds like a modern instance of "Carpetbagger" and "Scalawag". It sounds like another attempt at victimizing others for your unwillingness to accept your own ignorance or embrace social progress. Just like the South did during Reconstruction. They were more focused on violence than actually putting effort into, you know, reconstructing:
-"It exists but it is virtually non-existent." I'll just let that one sit there for how convoluted it is.
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Stop it. White privilege was invented by white liberals. It used to be called liberal guilt. It was the idea that just because of who you are then you are an oppressor. I do not oppress anyone. I never have and I never will. I do not OWE anything to anyone. I am only willing to take responsibility for my own actions and not the actions of anyone else. I don't believe in collective guilt. I am not an ant living in an ant colony serving the queen. I am not a serf to anyone. I refuse to walk on your road to serfdom.

White liberals have severely damaged the attitudes of black America and has convinced them that everyone hates them. That is disgusting. No I am not black but I have been watching what you white liberals have been doing to blacks for decades and how blacks are increasingly feeling more and more hopeless. That type of manipulation is just as bad as slavery was. But then it was the Democrat Party who fought for slavery, fought for Jim Crow, fought against the Civil Rights act of 1964 and all previous Civil Rights acts. Then LBJ figured out that rather than opposing blacks that the Democrat Party should use blacks. Malcolm X recognized that but that was when his fellow Marxists turned against him. Now the Dems work very hard to corral and keep everyone in lockstep. If you deviate one degree from the narrative then you are immediately called a racist, a bigot, a sexist, a homophobe and whatever new type of hater you guys invent. Speaking of hate, I have never ever seen so much hate coming from the left as I see ever since Trump was elected. You guys have really stepped to new lows of hatred and bigotry and that is very, very dangerous.

I use the term Marx and Marxism in the literal sense. When I use the word Marx I am talking about a demented man who hated mankind and created a system of control by force to "help" the human race.

When I use the term "Marxist" I mean the actually philosophy of Marx and Engels.

If you are taking is a dirty word then that is correct. I despise enslaving people and calling it equality. I despise the idea that a bunch of pointy headed morons think they have the right to tell me how I can live my life.

Well. I've run out of replies so this is the end of this conversation.
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-What "slavery" is being "forced" upon you? The fact that we all contribute to the health of our neighbors as a whole? Take a look at most Nordic Countries that embrace not full Socialism but Socialist practices that benefit the future of the nation. They are some of the healthiest, clean and happiest nations in the world. America is one of the most financially prosperous yet socially sick countries in the world. Why is that? I'll leave you to answer that for yourself.
-Your whole last paragraph there is absolutely bonkers. It sounds like you read an Ayn Rand book at one point and just ran with it. What oligarchy? Donald Trump and his family is quite literally the closes thing to oligarchy right now. His "Election Defense Fund" is mostly to pay off his own debts! I mean Jesus Christ! Source:
He is literally playing golf while people are dying! "They are told they are working for the collective while the individuals starve." Sound familiar?
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Please be sure to read all my rebuttals because your half truths and baseless "belief-as-fact" is truly astounding. Thanks for the challenge!
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Capitalism (a term coined by Marx) is nothing more than the fair exchange for goods and/or services. Marx invented an entire mythology about how it steals from the poor. That is utter crap. It is nonsense. It is a fair exchange not theft. AND this is exactly how wealth is build. Wealth is not money. Money is only a representation of wealth. Wealth is the utility value of goods or services.

If I make hammers and you make screwdrivers and you need a hammer you can offer me a screwdriver in return for a hammer. If I see that I need a screwdriver more than one of my hammers then if we trade one for the other then wealth is created. I can now do more things now that I have a screwdriver and you can do more things now that you have a hammer. Our productivity is increased and our ability to sell or trade more of our products increases.

Money is just a representation. If I make hammers and I need a screwdriver but you make apple pies and for some reason I don't like apple pies but you really need a hammer then something else needs to come into play. If you give me money for one of my hammers then I can go somewhere else and buy a screwdriver.

How Marx considered that stealing is beyond me. Evil people will try to sell an inferior product or will try to charge more than the market value but in a free market those people go out of business because they do not see the long term gain, only the short. It is not Capitalism that causes that, it is corruption. Corruption is found in every political and economic system ever created by man. There were tyrannical kings and emperors. Socialism was created by corrupt people because takes the free will of the individual. Freedom is the most valuable right an individual has. It is more valuable than life. It is by a huge margin more important that racism.

So while you are falsely accusing the right of being racists and National Socialists (Nazis) you are unwittingly stealing our freedom.
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-Capitalism was around well before Marx and was in no way whatsoever coined by him. It simply became more popular in its usage after he wrote about it. Source:
-It's quite astounding how narrow your view of the economy in terms of reality is. You speak of capitalism with as much naive simplicity as Marx and his "utopia". It's about as narrow and simplistic as your "belief" that just because civil rights was signed into law in '64 that blacks are somehow magically free from any residual oppression outside of said written law.
-What you don't see is that much of the corruption you talk about marring capitalism is the same detrimental device that mars socialism. They are both good ideas at heart. But in reality, American capitalism has become bastardized ever since Regan. Source:
-"Evil people will try to sell an inferior product or will try to charge more than the market value but in a free market those people go out of business" Please try telling that to all of the people conned by Trump University.
-I have absolutely no clue where you get that Marx thought capitalism was "theft". Maybe another skew told to you. Here's some lengthy reading I hope you're up for:
"First, Marx’s refusal to accept that capitalism involves a harmony of interests between worker and capitalist, replacing this with a class based analysis of the worker’s struggle for better wages and conditions of work, versus the capitalist’s drive for ever greater profits." He talks about the "exploitation of the worker". Which is exactly where American capitalism is right now. So the only "theft" is the fact that the people who actually make the hammer and the screwdriver and the apple pie are being exploited for their labor while the people who market the products retain the majority of the wealth. Your idea of wealth is dependent on people having relative amounts of it in order to prosper in life in the way they see fit. Unfortunately, that is not the reality of American capitalism.
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-You saying "stealing your freedom" is another whistle blow just like at the end of Reconstruction: you are afraid of true change for all citizens because of your set ignorant ways and rather than open your mind to other perspectives you will hide behind your own victimization. This victimization is further fed to you by people like Donald Trump saying the "vote is being stolen" just in the same way as Southerners believing Carpetbaggers were tied to Washington against the South. This is the way rich men like Trump are able to further American capitalism. Making you think the wealth of the nation is somehow directly related to your own personal wealth. "Oh well the stock market is doing well." Sorry to break it to you but the stock market doing well is only important to the people with a majority of the money.
Also if money is only a representation, then why not just share it? Not a big deal, right? Oh wait, yeah like who is going to do that? That's right, nobody. Because in this society it's not just a representation. It is power. American capitalism has created its own oligarchy based on who has the most money. You know it. I know it.
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The government is not a charity. They are not altruistic. Having your income take by force and then re-distributed is not charity, it is theft. Governments are only good at three things: killing, stealing and enslaving. That is why our founders created the Constitution. It is a document from We The People telling the government what it can and cannot do. And it severely limited its powers.

The reason why the government we have now does not resemble the powerless entity our founders left it is because all of the Progressive control freaks of the early 20th century. The took the course of death by a million cuts until the 60's arrived. That is when some of the more radical Progressives wanted to take the government by revolution. Two friends exemplified this course, Hillary Clinton and Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers wanted to take over this country by force. Hillary wanted to continue the death by a million cuts strategy.

You still do not get the basic principle of property ownership. Yes, money is a representation of wealth but why should I be forced to share it. I worked for it and I earned it, therefore, it is mine to use however I see fit. It is NOT the responsibility or the right of the government or anyone else to spend that money for me without my consent. Money is not power. This is not a power driven society. It has only become that because of the Progressives. This is a society where all are created equal but after that what they make of their lives is up to them. It is not a society of equal outcome. Capitalism does not give you more power over someone else. It is just the buying and selling of goods and/or services. It is how honest, civilized people create wealth. No one takes from someone else. No one forces anyone to buy anything. I can stand all day long outside of a McDonalds and no one will force me to buy a hamburger.

The Marxist definition of Capitalism is not reality. His opposition to it was purely political. He invented a story about what Capitalism is and then used that to prop up his method of robbing the citizens blind just to make those in control live in luxury.

Socialism is slavery and taxation is theft.
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Your last comment below doesn't have a reply but this one does.

When it comes to Capitalism Occam's Razor fully applies. It is just that simple. If you are believing that it is some nightmare economic system then you clearly don't understand it. Can it be corrupted? Yes. Everything can be corrupted. Nothing is immune to evil people. Socialism's foundation, however, is evil. There just is no doing it right this time.

When it comes to economics the fundamentals of creating a sound economy are very simple. Just as simple as Capitalism. The crucial feature in order for both to work successfully is freedom of the individual.

Your complaint of head over heart is wrong. You need both but if you put heart over head then it causes you to believe that the government is a charitable organization. And because you are not using your head you will never realize that as a charitable organization it is the most inefficient one ever created. You have to use your head to realize that charity by force is not charity. It is theft. Voluntarily giving from the heart is true charity. I have no problem with giving to the poor and needy to help them. But I will never support that or anything that is done by force.

What you must understand is the value of freedom. Individual liberty is the most precious gift from God. We must be free. At some point in your studies hopefully you will understand that Socialism does not work on individual liberty or voluntary charity. When Socialist talk about liberty it is only collective liberty. It gives the individual nothing. The individual cannot act for themselves.

You will find all of that out sooner rather than later if the UN and the World Economic Forum get their way. By the 2030, if they get their way, we will all be living under a global Socialist government. It is possible that things may appear to be fine for a while. They may be able to hold it together for the rest of all of our lives but freedom will erode as time goes on. When freedom is gone labor will have to be forced because there will be no incentive to work for the betterment of yours and your families life. When work becomes coerced by the state then we all become slaves. It may not be us but it will definite be those who come after us. They won't ever know freedom and it will be lost for several generations. It make never come back because mankind probably won't be around long enough to know.
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Afraid of change? You must be a politician. I do not fear change. I fear idiot do-gooders who vote my freedom away to solve problems that don't exist.

I fear the Socialists who are in control of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum who want to reset the global economy to a Socialist economy in order to stop climate change.

You can say I fear change all day long but change is constant. If I feared change I wouldn't have a computer or a cell phone. What I fear is politicians who through that word out there without any definition. What kind of change? Can you quantify it so I can see if you are going to make life harder or better? All I have ever seen from every Democrat president since Woodrow Wilson (with the exception of Kennedy) is misery. Your kind of change is what causes inflation, stagnant job growth (at best) or massive job loss.

It was so bad under Obama that we nearly hit Great Depression level misery. The majority of people were living on some kind of government assistance. Obama had the nerve to call this the New Normal. Then Trump got elected and before he even had a chance to do anything the business world reacted because they new that they weren't going to have to watch their backs. The economy boomed much higher than it had been for many, many years. Obama may want to claim it was his doing. Yes it was his doing, he was leaving the White House and at the time there was a Republican majority in the House and the Senate. It wasn't long that the welfare roles plummeted. The bigger positive effect was felt in the poorer communities.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I still think he is a mediocre president. He spends money just like a Democrat. Tariffs are just another way of taxing the people. Democrats pull it out of your paycheck. Tariffs cause inflation on imported goods.

Regardless of all of that Trump showed the Democrats that their New Normal was utter BS. When the market is freer everyone prospers, especially the poor. That is the real reason why Democrats hate Trump more than any other Republican president. He showed that your control freak policies do nothing but hurt people. You hurt the very people you pretend you are the champions of. All of the business lock downs occur in Democrat controlled areas. The economy is tanking in those areas. In Republican areas the economy is still booming after a slight dip when COVID first hit.
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Yes Capitalism has been around since the beginning of mankind. Marx named it Capitalism. It does make it easier to say than Free Market Economics person. But clearly I prefer calling myself a fan of free market economics. Basically because you cannot have a free market without freedom. The freer the market the more everyone prospers.

You say that my view of economics is simple. There is this notion that if you can over complicate something then that makes you sound more intelligent. So when it comes to economics people seems to want to screw it all up by saying it is too complicated for you peons to understand. Are you familiar with Occam's Razor?

The fact of the matter is that the economy is much simpler than you think it is. Why? Because when you try to justify Marxism (oops there I go again using that term again) you have to really try over complicate everything to make people think it will work. Keynes also tried to over complicate economics when he advised FDR. And in the end all FDR did was prolong the great depression by about 10 years and spend the country into oblivion.

Actually I don't think I would have supported the Civil Rights Act of 64 in one respect. It was way too much government overreach into private business. But on the other hand blacks were being shut out of the work force, out of stores and life was extremely hard for them because of that. But today, blacks are not being suppressed like they were back then. The Civil Rights Act is now obsolete.

Reagan did not do anything to Capitalism other than try to restore this nation to it. This nation was founded on free market principles. It was not a coincidence that Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" came out in 1776. It was read by all of our founding fathers. It was what America was founded on because it provided the most freedom to the people.

What screwed everything up was sometime in the late 1800's politicians begin to sell their souls to businesses who promised them money for votes.

Then when the Progressive Era of the early 20th century hit those same corrupt politicians jumped on the power and control bandwagon. Woodrow Wilson was the beginning of the demise of Capitalism. He forced the Federal Reserve and the permanent income tax on us. Wilson was, say it with me, a Socialist Progressive. Socialism has all but killed Capitalism and replaced it with Corporatism and more recently Corporate Socialism. Try as you might you will never destroy capitalism.
0 ups, 4y
As my overall final response: I truly respect your passion on these matters. I'm skeptical because you don't seem to back up your knowledge with anything tangibly corroborative. You've only brought up theory and ideas. I respect that, but it's all head and no heart. Occam's Razor is a great idea, in theory, just like most government ideals but in reality nature is much more intricate. Those are ideas that are a great starting place to help us humans cope with existentialism and make sense out of the world around us. Everything is a butterfly effect.
I respect your most strictly intellectual thoughts on this matter but unfortunately they also don't take into account human emotion and natural variation. Ideas are a great starting place, but I feel we can't hold so tightly to them because we then lose our bearing on how reality affects those theories. The meeting of the head and heart is intelligence, and that's what we need more of.
I'm not saying it's too complicated to understand, I'm saying you are not taking into account how humans truly interact outside of pure theory. It's like saying: "I'm going to breakup with my significant other. According to Theory X, if I do it on this day, in this way, at this place and at this time it will be the simplest time for it." And then you go to breakup and it doesn't go as planned because emotions and other variables come into play but all this time you're thinking: "But...but...but... I followed the simplest idea!"
In the future, I invite you to post your sources because after my first rebuttal I don't really trust much of what you say, or find it valid outside of your own conviction.
This is a great article on how things like Occam's are great in theory but when it comes to things specifically like biology, it's not as effective.
I encourage you to start with your theories but truly take in the world around you and how different people are affected by different things and then form your beliefs around that. That is true intelligence. Thanks for the debate and cheers to your health!
4 ups, 4y,
4 replies
Pennsylvania just passed a law that requires people to wear a face mask in their homes. I am not sure how they will ever enforce that law but they put it on their books anyway.

Then I saw this that Biden wants the nation to wear face masks at home.

It is not a matter of protecting your loved ones. I already do that voluntarily. I have done the best I can at protecting my loved ones long before the virus. The point is a matter of force.

Only Democrat controlled areas force people to "protect their loved ones". Republicans, for the time being (I don't trust Republicans either), seem more interested in letting you determine the best course of action for protecting your family. Mainly because Republicans (i.e. the voters) still believe that this is the land of the free.

Democrats, however, have sold their souls to Karl Marx and always look to the government to fix everything while selling out theirs and my freedom. BTW Nazi stands for National Socialist German Workers Party. Nazis were Socialists and believed in the same things as Democrats. Just look at the 1932 Nazi Party political platform. Take the word German out of it and you pretty much have the Democrat Party political platform. Look it up if you don't believe me.
5 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Bruh, trying to give facts to these people is harder than getting a kid to eat broccoli...
2 ups, 4y
That's for sure.
2 ups, 4y,
3 replies
yeah, whenever i say something against biden or for trump, they say it is false, i prove them wrong with actual links, then they either try to change the subject or they will say that we always say anything that goes against trump is false
1 up, 4y
as idiots think
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Only because your links go to articles that don't have facts. They have a lot of emotional language but when you check their sources its a big circle jerk from fake news article to fake news article with no real starting point.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
that is your guy's links as well, i have only seen one with actual proof, and they mistook it for trump doing something bad so it was false
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
0 ups, 4y
did you mean to put this in a different argument, that has nothing to do with this
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
0 ups, 4y
you guys dont
0 ups, 4y
Are you cucks still pretending that 250,000 people dead isn't a large number? WTF is wrong with you people, seriously?
2 ups, 4y
Well said; and absolutely correct.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Nazis weren't socialists. Hitler just said he was to get votes. Kinda like how Trump pretends he's a Christian to get all the Christians on his side when he's actually paid for two abortions that we know of? Look it up if you don't believe me.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
BlueNinja - Looks like you need to study history. Nazi is an acronym for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei which is German for National Socialist German Workers' Party. Hitler was part of the German Socialist party before he broke away to form the National Socialist German Worker's Party. He was a Marxist. I think he may have even felt a kinship to Marx because Marx also was a self hating Jew. If Marx had the political power that Hitler had there might have been two holocausts. Marx wanted to rid the world of Jews but then he felt the same way about other groups of people as well. He hated the Scots and he hated Africans. He spoke often about how he thought Africans were stupid and he referred to them as the "N" word.

Decades later, Hitler picked up where Marx had left off only Hitler was ambitious and wanted to rule the world.

One never knows what goes in the hearts and minds of other people. Trump claims to be a Christian but I do not believe that he has shown it by how he lived his life. But I am not his judge on how much or how little of a Christian he is. He does seem to be putting it on for a show. Just like when he first ran for president, he sounded like he was playing the part of a conservative. He did and said all of the things that liberals think conservatives believe. I was completely shocked that most of the conservatives didn't see through that. You see, Trump was a liberal most of his life. And not just a liberal but a New York Liberal (the worst kind). He left the Democrat Party about 2 or 3 years before he ran for office and was an Independent. The day he decided to run for president he also became a Republican. When he first started campaigning he talked about his single payer government run healthcare plan (just like a liberal [a Socialist liberal - even worse than New York Liberals]). He scared the crap out of me because so many Republicans just ignored that and pinned all their hopes and dreams on him. I voted for Ted Cruz in the primaries and then in the general election I voted for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party (which I am a member of).

However, I did vote for Trump in this election. He is not a great president but he is better than I thought he would be. And far better than that brain dead (and now senile) old fart you guys pinned all your hopes and dreams on.
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Acronyms don't equal deeds and behaviors. Hitler didn't believe in socialism. He didn't believe in Marxism. He hated those ideologies. It's disingenuous to try to link Democrats to Nazis when Republicans have actual Nazis who wear swastikas and fly swastika flags.
0 ups, 4y
Dude!! You are denying historical fact!
0 ups, 4y
Apparently you have fallen for the lie that makes Socialism so popular. Socialism is NOT political system that is going to solve all of the worlds problems. Socialism IS the world's problem.

There is not one single nation in the world that has ever made the lives of the people better through Socialism. None. In fact it is ALWAYS the exact opposite. Socialism is responsible for the worst poverty the world has ever known. It has murdered 100 million people in the 20th century (between Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler). You can try to brush that off as Communism but there are two major glaring problems with that. Lenin called himself a "Democratic Socialist" (yes, just like good ol' Bernie Sanders). Stalin called himself an "International Socialist" and Hitler was a National Socialist. The only one who called himself a Communist is Mao Tse Tung. Mussolini (the father of Fascism) wasn't as murder happy as the other dictators but he too was a Socialist. He found a few problems with Socialism and modified it and called it Fascism. This angered the Italian Socialists so much that they murdered him. You see when Lenin took over Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution he threw farmers off their land and business owners out of their businesses and replaced them with Communists who knew nothing about what they were getting into. The Soviet Union nearly starved to death in the first few years. Millions did starve to death. Mussolini that that was stupid to kick out the people who knew how to do things and under Fascism he let farmers and business owners stay even though were under control of the government. That one change made Stalin call Mussolini "right-wing". That is why the Socialists killed him.

But, here is the second problem. Communism is what Karl Marx called his version of Socialism.

Communism, Nazism and Fascism are just minor (if even that) variations of Socialism. They all have the same foundation. No private property rights (not even a right to your own life) and no private businesses. The rich are robbed of everything to give to the poor. This destroys wealth and as a result the Socialist nation becomes a nation of poverty ridden citizens who are forced to work to keep the oligarchs in luxury.

Just like what is happening is Venezuela, North Korea, China and every other 3rd world toilet in the world. When Socialist talk about equality they mean every one is equally starving. Socialism does this EVERY time it is tried.
0 ups, 4y
Obviously it's just an attempt to get people to start taking precautions because many of you still don't get it. People are having family gatherings and not wearing masks. Outbreaks are happening at parties and get togethers all the time. Look at the 700 people who died from attending Trump rallies. And of course, the number is probably way higher. Because no one was wearing masks to his rallies until that recording came out where he was telling the reporter that corona was five times worse than the flu. I mean, are you forgetting that happened? It's Trump's own voice.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
when someone say's something like this, thats how you know that they have only 1 brain cell (im being literal, how dumb are you to think "im around these people all day, better wear a mask like it's going to do anything)
3 ups, 4y,
2 replies
I've heard it said (and you've probably heard it also) that a mask is the equivalent to putting up a chain link fence to keep mosquitoes out. The virus can pass very easily in and out of a mask.

And it has been show that in Democrat controlled states where masks are mandated vs states where masks are not mandated that the number of COVID cases are roughly the same.

I want some liberal who believes firmly in forcing everyone to wear a mask and stay home to explain to me how when SARS1 went global President Obama did absolutely nothing. No lock downs, no masks, and not much (if anything) said from the presidential podium. SARS1 killed more people in the same time frame than SARS2 (which is what we are calling COVID-19). The two viruses are 75% the same.

What happened to SARS1? It eventually mutated into a weaker virus that our bodies can easily fight off. I don't know if they same will happen to SARS2. I have heard of some people getting it and it barely affected their lives. Perhaps it is weakening but I have no way of knowing.
2 ups, 4y
It already has. It mutated to a weaker strain almost as soon as it got out of China. 99.8% recover rate.
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Sars killed more people in what time frame?? A day? A Week? They're saying Corona killed more people in 8 weeks than SARS did in 8 months. 26 million people have been infected with covid worldwide and there's been over 853,000 deaths. Why are you trying to convince people this pandemic isn't something to be taken seriously? This is what escapes me about Cult45. To what lengths are you willing to go to protect your supreme leader?

Is it a foolish pride thing? Hate to admit you're wrong? What is it because people are actually dying. Not just with underlying conditions but healthy people of all ages are getting this thing and dying, too. And no, masks aren't a waste of time because surgeons and nurses have been wearing them in hospitals for over 100 years and no one ever said before that it was tyranny for doctors to wear them. So seriously, what gives with you people?
0 ups, 4y
in truth you dont really get a say in this, you're too dumb
0 ups, 4y
I have no problem admitting I am wrong. Your first question is valid because I didn't remember the time frame so I looked it up. SARS1 didn't last as long because it mutated to a weaker strain. Of all of the people who got SARS1 15% of them died from it (according to SARS2 (aka COVID-19) according to the CDC has about a 4% mortality rate among COVID patients. The mortality rate vs the number of infected is not based on a time period. It is based on the number of people who died who were infected. There is a possibility that COVID may kill more people than SARS1 but that is only because COVID hasn't gone away yet. But the death rate is much lower than SARS1.

No one in the US died of SARS1. SARS1 was not an epidemic because it didn't just affect one nation. It was a pandemic but it wasn't global like SARS2.

Do you know where the highest number of COVID deaths took place in the US? It was New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts. None of the other states have come close.

The reason why is because the Democrat governors of each of those states sent all of their COVID patients to assisted living homes to recuperate. They did this AFTER it was observed that COVID affect the over 60 age group much worse than all younger age groups.

And because of his hard work in murdering New York's elderly, New York Governor Cuomo has been nominated for an "International Emmy" (whatever that is) for fighting COVID-19. That is just like giving Hitler some type of humanitarian award for fighting for the civil rights of Jews.
1 up, 4y
i've finally solved it;

the democrats make people wear masks so they lose brain cells due to lack of oxygen and so they'll fall for their bullcrap easier
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