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moo-kun (1443)
Joined 2016-06-13
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Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 9y
Just a note: So I just watched this & saw this guys face... Couldn't resist! Eddie Izzard is another idiot who doesn't have to live in society like the rest of us do, he has nothing better to do with his lavish life & pink beret... Who is he to question anyone else's sanity...?
Sharknado 4 is coming soon!!! Get your coverage before it's too late!!! in fun
7 ups, 9y
Poor Shark (Y n Y) I hope he took out Sharnado insurance too!
If you're a married man, you know.... in fun
0 ups, 9y
Was waiting for this!!!
Many suffer from mental health issues and can never exist better than this on their own. Many are also veterans who served you. in fun
2 ups, 9y
Absolutely! I just don't understand why they do this... Is it for money? Power? It makes no sense for them to do this (ยด?_?`)
Philosoraptor in fun
1 up, 9y
This is my face right now...