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merememe (2515)
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Dark Brandon in politics
0 ups, 10mo
Yes, congress has a lot to do with the creation of laws but so does CASE LAW. Case Law are laws that are formulated from the findings in court cases. So, you are not correct in your assertion that "it isn't the job of the courts to make laws" as that was a false statement. It is one of their many responsibilities. Where in the constitution does it "clearly state this" false assertion of yours exactly?

Bodily autonomy means that a woman should have the right to choose agency over it. To claim a woman who takes the morning after pill (by far the most common form of abortion) to "destroy another persons autonomy" is utterly absurd since from the moment the sperm penetrates the egg it's merely a zygote until the 9th week, and then from weeks 9-11 it's an embryo. Still NOT "another person" as it's a clump of cells. It is during this time when the vast majority of abortions occur. They are doing these creatures a favor since unwanted children grow up to be unwanted adults. 15-25 years after Roe v Wade was enacted crime decreased noticeably. Why? Because there were less unwanted, poor, miserable humans trying their best to "exist" in a cruel world that doesn't want the responsibility to have to raise, teach, nurture, care, feed and love them. You people believe you are "pro-life" but you are causing a great deal of harm in total. Far more than allowing these women agency over her own body. How many unwanted creatures are you planning to adopt and love? Hmmm?
As for the State deciding, I actually WOULD agree with you IF Republicans were actually trust-worthy but they aren't. The second states began to refuse abortion bans and express intent to include abortion within their states constitutions, Lindsey Graham and other GOP control freaks, announced their intent to push for congressional laws for nationwide bans on abortions. Abortions ARE healthcare. You don't seem to understand that, but it is and healthcare should be private. Especially in a country who refuses healthcare coverage to it's tax-paying citizens while for decades now it's given those taxpayers money at a minimum of $10 million/day to Israel who DOES offer free healthcare to it's citizens! How does that make any sense?
Dark Brandon in politics
0 ups, 10mo
Yes, delusion is when faced facts (actual facts as opposed to "alternative facts" created by a con-artist pseudo-nonpolitician), yet that individual continues to believe what their biased echo chamber has created for them and ignore the FACTS...that is delusion. Here are the FACTS:

Freedom is to be able to enjoy our rights and liberties without being oppressed by our government. Here's the Oxford dictionary:
I.The state or fact of being free from servitude, constraint, inhibition, etc.; liberty.
Old English–
Exemption or release from slavery or imprisonment

Because of the reversal of Roe V Wade (under Trump's oppressive administration), all citizens lost the underlying intention of that law which was PRIVACY RIGHTS. In addition to all of our privacy which the government was not allowed to infringe upon with Roe V Wade, but women also LOST BODILY AUTONOMY. In addition, medical doctors lost the ability to honor the Hippocratic Oath to save lives and DO NO HARM since they have to appeal to a court in order to save their patients or they could lose their licenses and likely go to prison! So, yeah! FREEDOM MF.

The other FACT is that Trump has stated repeatedly that if he is re-elected he will act as a DICTATOR and after briefly joking that it would only be for "one day" and saw that his cult supporters approved, he changed it to maybe "he would just never leave". This country was founded on principals Trump opposes and would have been better suited with the British loyalty who forced their countries religion upon it's people and oppressed it's people in the ways Trump's rhetoric rings true in our ears today.

Trump means a loss of our freedom and liberties as US citizens. Period.
Obamacare Doesn't Work! - In a Red state in politics
0 ups, 11mo
There's a reason a Republican-Lead congress (when Trump was first in office) declined dismantling the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and that's because these manipulative hypocrites use it themselves and it works!

Remember, a Republican (Mitt Romney) initially created it, Pelosi worked with Romney to make it happen and when Obama was elected, they were finally able to. We pay taxes to send BILLIONS to foreign countries who provide Universal Healthcare to their citizens. ACA doesn't even do that! It simply offers alternatives to exorbitant Insurance companies who rip us all off. It allows our children to be covered until the age of 26 if they don't get their own insurance. It ensures insurance companies cannot deny claims if someone has a "pre-existing condition" which was a loophole in healthcare! It ensures that people pay their own premiums instead of using the city hospitals all the time (which most all cities provide for the indigent.

So, it's abundantly clear when someone decries "Obamacare" that they aren't considering the benefits because they've fallen victim to Republican propaganda. ACA works when applied the way it was intended. The GOP won't allow that in their own states because they need their constituents to fall in line so they can manipulate them to vote against their own interests while lining the pockets of their sponsors. Watch them in Congress. They are lying to you. Congressional Republicans are LYING to you. Until we stop allowing them to, we all lose.
1 up, 11mo
I read, a lot. My meme stands. Please present your credible sources for your claims, good sir. Please also keep in mind correlation does not equal causation. This topic requires the ability to conduct research, possess the basic understanding that two things can mutually exist, and advanced critical thinking skills. Also, the ability to engage in logic and avoid fallacies in arguments. While a lot of this may feel rhetorical, I assure you they are basic requirements to engage in an intelligent discussion on the topic. I welcome you to first provide me with your sources for "majority of hyper wealthy...pouring funds into Dem Party political coffers".
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0 ups, 12mo