There's a reason a Republican-Lead congress (when Trump was first in office) declined dismantling the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and that's because these manipulative hypocrites use it themselves and it works!
Remember, a Republican (Mitt Romney) initially created it, Pelosi worked with Romney to make it happen and when Obama was elected, they were finally able to. We pay taxes to send BILLIONS to foreign countries who provide Universal Healthcare to their citizens. ACA doesn't even do that! It simply offers alternatives to exorbitant Insurance companies who rip us all off. It allows our children to be covered until the age of 26 if they don't get their own insurance. It ensures insurance companies cannot deny claims if someone has a "pre-existing condition" which was a loophole in healthcare! It ensures that people pay their own premiums instead of using the city hospitals all the time (which most all cities provide for the indigent.
So, it's abundantly clear when someone decries "Obamacare" that they aren't considering the benefits because they've fallen victim to Republican propaganda. ACA works when applied the way it was intended. The GOP won't allow that in their own states because they need their constituents to fall in line so they can manipulate them to vote against their own interests while lining the pockets of their sponsors. Watch them in Congress. They are lying to you. Congressional Republicans are LYING to you. Until we stop allowing them to, we all lose.