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kargoargs (780)
Joined 2017-08-26
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last time I checked they had quite a bit of blood on their hands when it comes to slavery and segregation in fun
1 up, 8y
Take a history or American political science class --- there was a party shift that started taking place in the late 1800's until the Vietnam war era. Geography is the key - not what name you give your party. The same people who were on the wrong side of history in 1860 are on the wrong side again. IDEOLOGY, and its behaviors and mindset is what matters. Like George Carlin said, “people think that if you change the name of the condition, then you change the condition.” Calling a progressive person a Republican or Democrat at a certain point in history is irrelevant. Consistency of behavior is paramount. Conservative (in the current definition of the ideology) people today are against the progressive principles that grant equal rights to the disenfranchised.

Ask a racist, white supremacist, Neo-Nazi, or KKK member who they voted for, then come back and try to make the case that Republicans are currently on the right side of history.
Social Justice Confusion in fun
0 ups, 8y
Well the problem here is you have no sound...
White dude: "Excuse me, sir dropped your banner."
Black dude: "Well thank you, son! And here's the flag that fell off the back of your pick-up truck!"
White dude: "Aw thanks! I was in a hurry; my sheets are in the dryer and they are a pain in the ass to iron if that dryer stops tumblin'....especially that sharp, pointy part. Mama always said...don't leave the house with your clothes wrinkled and embarrass me in front of the other mothers!"
Leftists: Inciting Revolution In Order To Numb Their Guilty Consciences in fun
1 up, 8y
'Cause the civil war was such an honorable and upstanding time in our history -- anyone who wants a better America wouldn't give a second thought to civil war statues being removed. I say -- don't replace them --- use the $$ for something of worth like the environment or feeding the poor. Please keep in mind - I am a Southerner --- born in GA living in NC. Whether Robert E Lee decorates my local city hall or not is of no importance to me and won't change my life one bit. However, if it is offensive to some - then take it down - cause in the long run --- I say we have much bigger issues on our plates.
During footbal games, Nightcrawler never had trouble scoring... in fun
4 ups, 8y
Awesome --- how the heck did you do that????
Recorded Footage Of The Eclipse ☼ ●‿● in fun
1 up, 8y
As a person lucky enough to live and work in an area of totality --- this is freakin' hilarious!!!