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elkomodos-drago (411)
Joined 2017-10-12
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Covid-19: working wonders for the wealthy in politics
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During the coronavirus pandemic, billionaires in the US have so far gained $637 billion. I know that after a point large numbers start to get a bit meaningless so to put that in perspective, it's enough to give every US citizen $1900 and sill have money left over.

Meanwhile the wealth of 8 of the 10 richest people has increased, and the combined wealth of the 100 richest people has surpassed the GDP of the UK.

All while the rest of us are losing our jobs, homes, and lives thanks to Covid-19.
The Western Value Of Press Freedom Trough Time in politics
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I don't think that he wants the destruction of all religious icons and even if he did I'm not sure that is automatically a Marxist agenda. (e.g. Ayn Rand said "I am against god for the reason that I don't want to destroy reason" and her agenda is hardly Marxist.

Look I'm fed up of the press's general refusal to hold those in power to account as the next person but I think that it is, therefore, all the more important when they finally do decide to cover the protests that they are not detered by being attacked by the police.

As for why I am complaining about police attacks on media not those of protestors, it's because the police are an organised trained arm of that state and when people who are paid and equipped by the government are stopping reporters from reporting that is the road to tyranny.

There is no way a protest can prevent someone from attacking the media and claiming that they did it in the name of the protest. On the other hand, it is more than possible for the government to make sure that police officers are checking whether the people they have just arrested were carrying press passes.

But in spite of this, the vast majority of attacks on members of the media came from the police.
The Western Value Of Press Freedom Trough Time in politics
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Look, it's not our optics I am worried about here. They evidently weren't Antifa because Antifa are people who counter demonstrate people they perceive as fascists. These people were not counter demonstrating and weren't concerned about fascism in America. If you are randomly going to accuse them of being in a group that they're not involved with why don't you just call them communists. Yeah, then you can accuse me of being a communist for caring about press freedom.

Really I think that some people on the fringes on the right really wanted people to criticise Antifa because that way it makes them look more legitimate. Because hey, they're being counter protested by Antifa who are armed thugs so it doesn't really matter that they've turned up with semi-automatic weapons.
The Western Value Of Press Freedom Trough Time in politics
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Ha, technology. Maybe next time the Right is picking a group to accuse all protestors that oppose it of being members of they'll pick one that has a more autocorrect friendly name. Oh and perhaps don't pick one who's name is a contraction of anti-fascists. I mean if you are calling the people who oppose you anti-fascists perhaps that is bad optics...
The Western Value Of Press Freedom Trough Time in politics
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I think that you may have misunderstood Shaun King's position. He's asking for images depicting Jesus as white to be torn down because Jesus probably looked Middle Eastern. He isn't making any point about Jesus at all.

I also don't think he is representative of the wider BLM movement which I think is more interested in actually reducing deaths from police then arguing over whether or not pictures of Jesus depicting him as white are a problem.

I don't say I'm a leftist, because my political position, left-wing libertarian, does not translate very well into the US political spectrum which doesn't actually really contain anyone on the left (Sanders, maybe) and where both sides support big government as determined by a massive military budget, oversized police force, intrusive police behaviours, and large surveillance state.

So instead I talk about issues like freedom of the press which affects outlets on both left and right (like the journalists pictured in the second frame). I think that people on both left and right support press freedom though.