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The_Scp294 (78239)
Joined 2022-10-21
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RMV LL VWLS in Minecraft
0 ups, 1y
Mother Ignoring Kid Drowning In A Pool in gaming
0 ups, 1y
Technically. There's Bendy and the Ink Machine, Bendy and the Dark Revival, the spin-off Boris and the Dark Survival, and the mobile game Bendy in Nightmare Run.
What do you think? in fun
0 ups, 1y
He's supposed to have two red lights for eyes. I don't know why they're not on the image.
Kind of a letdown, really. in fun
2 ups, 1y
In my opinion, the animation looks like Paw Patrol, like that stiff animation with barely any facial expressions.
Horse Drawing in fnaf
0 ups, 1y
What I mean is the fnaf fandom is great in every way! Amazing fan-creations, official spin-off material and more! But there is still a lot of negative stuff that gets on my nerves. Stuff like people being hateful to Scott and the devs at Steel Wool. They don't deserve that, and I hate that part of the fandom, but I've stayed with it for around 7 years and I'm not backing out anytime soon. It truly is a great franchise and fandom, but like every fandom, it's flawed in some places. I'm sorry if I might have offended you.