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TheSkeptic (576)
Joined 2016-01-31
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Exodus 12:29 in fun
0 ups, 8y
Its very hard to take the rationalizing of mass murder seriously.It seems unfair to imply that God cannot murder any more than a hurricane or earth quake can (if that is what you're saying). As far as I know natural disasters/deaths are not nearly as subjective in their fatalities as God is in the many instances of his genocides.

It always seems to based on some kind of disposition or in favor one ethnicity. This does not seem objective to me, and suggests some kind of intelligence behind his killing. It seems like God is making special Categories
Exodus 12:29 in fun
0 ups, 8y
My apologies, I incorrectly assumed that striking down children was generaly a bad thing... Remind me to be as indifferent the other genocides that have taken place in our time, as this has also ordained by god. Perhaps its just my ignorance, but I fail to reconsile these actions with a merciful, loving and omnipotent God... Smiting the first the born of everything to save a select group of people seems a bit harsh. If his got this kind of juice surely he could have found a more diplomatic solution by using the force to spontaneously relocate the Hebrew people
Exodus 12:29 in fun
0 ups, 8y
Sorry typo, meant admiration not administration (Damn auto correct)
Exodus 12:29 in fun
0 ups, 8y
Wow! I wonder if you would feel the same if it you was your children.

This sounds like the same fanaticism of a suicide bomber who runs into a crow screaming God Is Greater.

The default response for murdering children should be disgust, not praise and administration.
Women's Inferior Status in fun
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@XenusianSoldier thanks for the reply, it’s a very interesting perspective…

However, I would like to invite a political party to release a statement saying that women are not allowed in office and that they should be silent. They could also go on to justify this by saying that women cannot articulate themselves as well as men and therefore should not be allowed in leadership positions or have their own opinions.
I doubt that this would sit well with any women's rights groups... In my opinion this just sounds like the same sexism put forward by most if not all religions.

Furthermore you are absolutely right; some people are not fit for certain positions, but I would imagine that this is a matter of skill not gender. There are many Christian churches that have Female leaders, should they then step down because a man would be more intellectually qualified for the Job? I fail to see the practical upside of denying a perfectly capable human being important opportunities such as learning and freedom of speech just because they have lower testosterone levels.