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Tatanka69 (80262)
Joined 2020-05-22
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US military presence overseas in politics
0 ups, 4y
You are totally correct. Remember President Eisenhower warned us of the "military-industrial complex" but I don't think he could never have foresaw what its turned into. I never seen a general who didn't like conflict/war for job security. Every general who is paraded on TV laments about eminent threats somewhere...
Afghan women in politics
1 up, 4y
How about lynching?
Soros in politics
1 up, 4y
There is a video out there where Soros admits he worked for the Nazis in helping confiscate assets from Jews during the war. He basically claimed he was young and did not know the consequences of his actions. He will soon find out...
White Rage in politics
4 ups, 4y
Hint: "Dancing with Wolves"
Dragnet in politics
0 ups, 4y
Notice I said "illegals" -- if you are a legal resident I could care less where you came from...