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Sylvia_the_gay. (490063)
Joined 2022-04-27
Previous username: Sylvia.
The owner of this account is on temporary hiatus until the 5th of July. Any account activity beyond this is not mine. ❤️
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(special shout-out to gummy for this ashufuhsubh) final post from me before break, I love y’all sm /p <3 in LGBTQ
4 ups, 10h
Welp, I guess this is it.
It’s midnight.. (for me, at least..)
This begins my 10-day break/hiatus…

(oh god, posting this is gonna hurt so much..)

Please, stay safe for me, okay?
I love all of you to f**king hell and back.
Y’all mean the absolute world to me.

I love all of you, forever and always. (/p)
This is Sylvia, signing off until the 5th of July.
Goodnight, everyone.

this is gonna hurt if I end up taking one… in LGBTQ
1 up, 10h
y’all mean so much to me.