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McFlippen (1562)
Joined 2016-10-16
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I think they are protesting AMERICA! in fun
13 ups, 7y
I asked a friend of mine who is a Democrat, “What would it take for you to say four years from now that Trump was a successful President?” I tried to get an agreement on what metrics would prove that something was better or worse off four years from now. We talked for an hour and he would not agree to any measurement that would prove that Trump could/would/or did, “Make America Great Again”. In the end he just confessed that no matter what Trump did he would not approve. He said, “I just don’t like the guy”. He just could not detach himself from a political prejudice. Both the Democrats and the Republicans have allowed millions of good blue collar middle class manufacturing jobs to leave our country. It used to be that looking for a job meant you were looking for a full time job and if you could not find one you were counted as unemployed. You were counted as unemployed until you finally got a full time job. That is not how we measure unemployment today. As the jobs continued to dwindle our politicians purposely redefined what unemployment was and how it was calculated. Both sides have grossly miss-lead the American public. I hope that four years from now we have made solid progress towards putting American citizens back to work (real full time work). That is something I can get behind and support!
End of an ERROR in fun
1 up, 7y
For the last 8 years and for everyone who did not vote for Obama. We have patiently prepared for the day that the tide would change. The difference is we did not act like protesting, ignorant, childish, ill-informed, petulant American Citizens who bully honest people and promote violence. We planned and worked ourselves towards our goal. Stay strong, stay respectful, and stay focused! We will make America Great Again in spite of your protests and lack of help.
Boy Scouts in fun
0 ups, 7y
Past inaugural day celebrations have resulted in 100 tons of garbage thrown on the ground. To all demonstrators we will be watching how environmentally responsible you actually are. Walk the talk!
Bill Clinton Scared in fun
0 ups, 8y
I think it's time for Hillary to divorce this loser.
Bill will be happier because he won't have to sneak around anymore.
And HIllary can have a threesome with Yoko Ono and Huma!
Everyone WINS and the Clintons can happily disappear into the sunset!
I wonder what the results will be this time around in fun
1 up, 8y
Hillary married the true sexual addict.
Bill traveled at least 26 times on the Lolita Express (a known flying underaged w**re house).
Bill Clinton even made his Secret Service detail stay behind multiple times.
Secret Service agents and Troopers have joked that his motel room was like a revolving meat market.
Bill has had multiple allegations/reports of groping, unwanted advances, sexual molestation, and rape going all the way back 52 years to college.
In addition Bill has had many, many, many sexual affairs.
Performing sexual acts with an intern on the Presidential Oval Office desk is absolutely despicable and outrageous.
Why would Hillary ever take so much abuse from a husband like this?
His behavior is beyond what any women would/should or ever condone!
No team like that should be running the United States of America.
We stand for much better than being hustled by a pack of liars and cheaters!