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Little-Jiba3 (278940)
Joined 2019-09-14
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Leftist memes be like in politics
1 up, 7mo
I am gonna be real
Imgflip means in general are all like this
Like damn when you see other memes you realise this platform is cooked
Yu-Gi-Oh Dramatic Crossroads in starwarsmemes
0 ups, 7mo
Dark Empire is a disgrace to star wars
Many Many Questions... What's the "narrative" gonna be today? in politics
1 up, 7mo
Finally an actual meme in the politics stream
Truth Always Come Out in politics
1 up, 7mo
He was absolutely trained on call of duty
A disgrace to gun lovers everywhere
Epitomizing "it's okay when WE do it" in politics
4 ups, 7mo
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Boeing had a hand in this I know they did