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Fox-with-inactivity-problems (215914)
Joined 2023-04-05
Imgflip has gone to ruin, and all the good users are leaving. I won't do the same, but don't expect to see me that much.
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More details in the comments. FUCK.(Morpeko: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! f for batims mom) in JustaCheemsDoge
1 up, 5mo
I am so sorry, Batim. Losing your mother after having lost your father and your brother must be quite difficult. But we all know how strong you are to get through it. Don't forget there are people that still love and truly care about you. I hope your mother is doing okay in a better place, and that she can rest in peace.
So...none of you will know who I am, but I just want to give this message in case anyone cares at all about why I am inactive. in JustaCheemsDoge
4 ups, 5mo
Okay, so...

A lot of people seeing this will not have a clue as to who I am. This is either because I'm pretty much unfunny, controversial, unpopular, or it could be my level of inactivity. Speaking of inactivity, don't expect to see any more memes from me for a while, possibly for a few years. Why? Well, let me explain.

As we all know, Imgflip isn't perfect. It has it's ups and downs, is pretty unpopular, but in spite of its problems, it's managed to stay as a cohesive and satisfactory meme site. Until all those things happened: the issue with Batim and Animevac, users faking losses, underage users, corrupt site mods, etc.

So let me ask you: what happened? We were doing so well until around 2023. And because of this, I see no point in sticking around. But I won't delete though. I will be back, just give me some time until this site calms down and there is less tension. Even if that never happens, I promise you I will return. Until then, I will be inactive for a few years.