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BladeBloodchild (7745)
Joined 2021-01-09
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Change My Mind in fun
0 ups, 3y
Mebbe if you marinate them properly, otherwise they're kinda tough and gamey-tasting.
Are we SURE 81 million people voted for Dementia Biden? in politics
0 ups, 3y
I don't understand where you think you have a point. In both instances the assertion remains identical, i.e. the POTUS is not the one who sets the price of petrol. POTUS neither makes it cheap nor makes it expensive. Unregulated petrol distributors on the other hand literally do set the price with no regard to real cost of a barrel of crude; it is based entirely on supply/demand and market projections, and usually by OPEC suppliers.
Let's Hear Your Bullshit in politics
0 ups, 3y
Hi. My name is Blade M. Bloodchild. I made this meme. I stopped carrying guns in public at exactly the same moment I stopped being a criminal f**ktwat looking to harm others. If you just cannot let go of your in-public-gun-possessing then I, as a former criminal and expert on the subject, can only conclude logically that you have intentions of harming others. This is wholly unacceptable. Your public gun is a persistent risk vector exacerbated by your inattentiveness as you traipse about looking at your mobile, checking out the hotties,ooh that's a good deal on chicken nuggies, who liked my insta *squee*, lemme take a selfie, and whatnot. Keep that gun at home and the only people with guns in public will be criminals and the police will shoot the right person (assuming they aren't hiding in the parking lot, but that's another discussion).
Let's Hear Your Bullshit in politics
0 ups, 3y
6 children later I intend to do everything in my power to make sure my grandchildren aren't gunned down by a dumbass for simply going to school. What are you doing? Reloading?
Let's Hear Your Bullshit in politics
0 ups, 3y
ANd the outlaws did in fact turn in their weapons or die. Learn some history.