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BaltimoreRavsDestroy (1060)
Joined 2020-10-20
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Creepy Condescending Wonka in fun
0 ups, 4y
I just love how all the ppl against marijuana legalization argue that marijuana has so many bad effects on a person's health, meanwhile no one says anything when ppl get screwed up by alcohol and cigarettes. If people can decide their own health on alc and cigs then let them decide for themselves on weed
Creepy Condescending Wonka in politics
0 ups, 4y
What's the point of great quality coverage when it's unaffordable?
Creepy Condescending Wonka in politics
0 ups, 4y
That's definitely a great start. The main thing is getting rid of health insurance companies. Obviously the government should regulate hospitals to prevent them from overcharging the government for healthcare. The government unlike private health insurance companies won't provide better healthcare for the rich. Private health insurance companies literally provide better healthcare based on how much you can pay
Creepy Condescending Wonka in politics
0 ups, 4y
Of course it will be paid by people who work. That's how taxes work. Sure there will be people who don't contribute to society who will freeload, but that happens with all taxpayer funded things. Just because there are some people who freeloaders doesn't mean everyone should be stuck having to pay for outrageously expensive healthcare. You think there aren't freeloaders who use roads or lazy students who slack off in public schools. But that doesn't mean we get rid of roads or public schools, just because there's a minority of lazy people. Also what you don't understand, is that not everyone who doesn't contribute to society is just a lazy freeloader who wants to live off others. For multiple reasons people are unable to work. You can't group every person who doesn't contribute to society as a lazy freeloader.

And obviously free healthcare is only going to pay for essential healthcare. Free healthcare isn't going to be used to pay for botox, plastic surgery, gender reassignment, etc. Those will be private out of pocket costs
Creepy Condescending Wonka in politics
0 ups, 4y
Why not? It's a common good. A more educated and skilled workforce is good for society as a whole. Also you pay so people can attend public school? How is higher education any different