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Joined 2021-04-14
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Pope. in ItsACatholicThing
0 ups, 2y
Ok, pop off I guess. Even though sex and gender aren't the same.
According to your bias; Specifically, Christians are God's only children. Not Catholics, Jehovah's witnesses(who can go screw themselves), Jews, Amish folks, nor any other Christian/Catholic faiths are God's children.
Honestly, as a Gen Z, I am surprised how much adults have dumbed down since COVID.
Yet again, other kids that are Gen Z are cooking chicken with Nyquil, so I, a minor, don't really have a say here.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go flaunt my pronouns, homosexuality, and lack of gender on the more accepting and understanding streams.
"Have a blessed one"
-Some random Catholic Teen.
Pope. in ItsACatholicThing
0 ups, 2y
Okay, but guess what? I am Agender(I do not believe I have gender, nor do I want others to perceive me as male, female, nonbinary, etc.) and Demisexual/demiromantic(Only attracted to people I trust greatly. This does NOT disclude anyone of any gender. Yet again, one could argue that it isn't exactly "Same-sex" since I'm Agender). I know for a fact that I cannot be forgiven for simply existing, let alone be sorry for it. I am who I am. And who I am, is one of God's many children. Please, Open your mind a bit.
Pope. in ItsACatholicThing
0 ups, 2y
Well damn, I'm sorry. Guess I'm going to hell then. No matter how much anybody tries, we are all sinners. If I successfully speed up the time I have to wait for meeting god, It's partially your fault :D
Pope. in ItsACatholicThing
0 ups, 2y
Sure it was in the bible, but that's the old testament that you're thinking about. O L D T E S T A M E N T
Pope. in ItsACatholicThing
0 ups, 3y
Dude, he is THE POPE. I am an asexual (LGTBQIA+) and I'm catholic. What does that make me if I'm not a child of god? Call me a hypocrite all you want, but this place is obsessed w/ politics more than they are interested with their lord and savior. Imma become atheist because of this Strem. /srs