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"vintage mom and daughter" Memes & GIFs

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by anonymous
12,900 views, 164 upvotes, 26 comments

Vintage Mom and Daughter

Vintage Mom and Daughter | Mom, why doesn't our family pray before we eat dinner? Because I know how to cook, dear. | image tagged in vintage mom and daughter | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
by anonymous
6,145 views, 69 upvotes, 5 comments

Mommy At Home

Mommy At Home | HOW COME YOU STAY HOME, MOMMY? I'M NOT SAFE FOR WORK, DEAR. | image tagged in vintage mom and daughter,funny memes,sassy,housewife,role model,lol so funny | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
8,262 views, 41 upvotes, 6 comments

Vintage Mom & Daughter Thanksgiving

Vintage Mom & Daughter Thanksgiving | YOUR FATHER IS AN UNEMPLOYABLE DRUNK BUM, DEAR; WHERE'S OUR TURKEY DINNER? | image tagged in vintage mom and daughter,funny memes,drunk,deadbeat dad,kid | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
18,504 views, 58 upvotes, 32 comments

Time warp

Time warp | Mom, why do people give us strange looks all the time? Because 21st century Americans aren’t willing to appreciate sensible 1950s-era fashion. Now finish your chores and do your homework. And don’t dawdle about on Tik Tok all evening. | image tagged in vintage mom and daughter,memes,tik tok,1950s,1950s housewife | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2,621 views, 5 upvotes
Check the NSFW checkbox to enable not-safe-for-work images
2,421 views, 48 upvotes, 16 comments

Troublemaker Mom

3,592 views, 19 upvotes

Vintage Mom and Daughter

by anonymous
3,188 views, 32 upvotes, 5 comments

Mommy's Worth

6,947 views, 11 upvotes


1,193 views, 4 upvotes, 3 comments

Social Media Mom

3,329 views, 4 upvotes

Vintage Mom and Daughter

by anonymous
4,864 views, 17 upvotes, 12 comments

Childhood Dreams Mom & Daughter

3,065 views, 7 upvotes

Vintage Mom and Daughter

by anonymous
2,244 views, 14 upvotes, 10 comments
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